Category: Taharat / Najasat

Total : 463 Results

Question ID 4763 Wednesday 10th of July 2019


I follow Ayatullah Sistani. There’s a huge tank above my building where our tap water comes from but how do I figure out if the water is kurr or running water?


Kurr amount of water is 384 litres which is a small tank of about one cubic yard. Big tank of water means ,much more than Kurr.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 4762 Wednesday 10th of July 2019


I follow Ayatullah Sistani. My mum washed some najis clothes in a basin (before washing them in the basin she removed the najis ul ayan) amd washed the clothes thoroughly but I wanna know if the basin is najis or not after she was done washing.


If she washed the clothes with tab water, which is connected to more than
Kurr or to current water, the basin is Taahir.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 4760 Sunday 7th of July 2019


I follow Ayatullah Sistani. I have two questions 1) I kept my clothes that had blood on them in a tub full of water and then I washed that tub once and threw the water on the floor and stepped on it with my slippers. While the slippers were still wet I went into my room, will the floor of my room be considered najis? 2) according to Ayatullah Sistani, there are three mutanajis items after which najasat cannot be transmitted. Does the second mutanajis have to be dried first before it is made wet again to make the third item to be considered the third mutanajis or not?


> Q1) I kept my clothes that had blood on them in a tub full of water and then I washed that tub once and threw the water on the floor and stepped on it with my slippers. While the slippers were still wet I went into my room, will the floor of my room be considered najis?
A1) The floor of the room is not Najis.

> Q2) according to Ayatullah Sistani, there are three mutanajis items after which najasat cannot be transmitted. Does the second mutanajis have to be dried first before it is made wet again to make the third item to be considered the third mutanajis or not?
A2) Dry Mutanajjis does not transmit Nijasah at all as far as it is dry, but if the second Mutanajjis becomes wet, then it transmits to third Mutanajjis only.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 4748 Saturday 29th of June 2019


Salam Alakium Is the urine and stools of a rabbit and horse tahir according to Sayyed Sistani (May Allah prolong his life) wa salam alakium


Urine and stool of any animal is Najis if it can not be eaten, like rabbit, fox, etc.
If the animal can be eaten as Halal like horse, then its urine and stool is not Najis.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 4742 Sunday 23rd of June 2019


Salam alakium I made wudu for my prayer and prayed maghrib and ishaa. Afterwards I woke up for fajr prayer and prayed. When I woke up in the morning I remembered I had some blood on my nose from yesterday and I doubted if I had cleaned that before I made wudu for maghrib and ishaa. Because when I woke up and i looked in the mirror i could not see any blood anymore. So either I cleaned it before maghrib prayer or I forgot and it got washed off in the wudu. Should I assume that I made it tahir? I am a person who have frequent doubts about tahara and now I have put my prayer mattress for wash and I also took a shower to make my body tahir. But i did sweat during the night and I dont know if the bed got najis? I am in real doubt, please help me. I follow sayyed sistani. Wa Salam alakium


Such doubts are invalid. You consider yourself as Taahir.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


WABIL - World Ahlulbayt(as) Islamic League, London.