Category: Taharat / Najasat

Total : 463 Results

Question ID 3899 Sunday 11th of June 2017


Salamun alaikum. Is it necessary to stay paak and tahir to eat food items on which nazar has been given? Salam.


It is Not obligatory to be in the state of Tahir, but it is better.

Question ID 3831 Sunday 7th of May 2017


If I can see the najasa (I.e semen or urine) and it touched for example a blanket, and the blanket has no sign of najasa on it (I.e if I can feel it and see it) is the blanket najas?


If the Najis wet item touches any part of other item, that part of the
other item will be Najis as well.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 3830 Sunday 7th of May 2017


Of I suspiciously think there is semen on my bed but I cannot see or feel anything, is it najis?


Not Najis until and unless your are sure that there is a Najis item.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 3696 Friday 27th of January 2017


When there is a najis spot on my body and i put liquid saop on it and wash it and make sure that the water reach all parts but still there is the foam of the soap on the body is that foam pak? I follow ayatullah sistani


It is much better to remove the Najis subject from your body, then pour water on the Najis part to make it Taahir. If the liquid soap became Najis because of touching the Najis subject; you need to make it Taahir.

Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 3673 Thursday 5th of January 2017


i follow sistani if i m cleaning my najis clothes which are made najis by urine in washing machine it clean cloth with soap one time and than rinse it with water second time does it make my clothes tahir. or do i have to rinse it one more time to make it tahir w/salaam


Washing machines nowadays are usually linked with the tap water. One time
washing is enough to make the cloth Taahir.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

WABIL - World Ahlulbayt(as) Islamic League, London.