Category: Miscellaneous

Total : 512 Results

Question ID 4459 Saturday 3rd of November 2018


Assalammualaikum Sayedna, i have a few question. 1. Refer to Q2734 Are we allowed to use credit card, bank loan for personal or buy a house or car from non muslim that charge interest? 2.if allowed what is really meant by riba?is it related to the lender or to all as the hadith saying that the one who take riba , the borrower, the 2 witnesses and the writer they are all equally guilty. I am still confuse on this topic. Thanks a lot. Wassalam,


RIBA is one of the major sins. It has conditions to be called RIBA.
It is allowed to take money from non Muslim for lawful use, even if they
charge us for that money. Our Ulama do not call it RIBA.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 4441 Monday 15th of October 2018


Salaam Agha . In India we Mourn for abt 2 months and 9 days for Shaheedane Karbala and aseerane Karbala. When we move to other countries we have non shia friends n neighbors who love us and take care of each other like family . My question is - can we visit friends home for dawat or get together in mourning period of 2month 9 days ? There’s no celebration only lunch/dinner with family - I have tried to avoid their invites but they ask me is this forbidden to have get together in this period ? I Don’t have enough knowledge to explain them Also I have anxiety issues when alone in home so they insist me to visit them and keep myself happy


Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
It is allowed to accept and go with your friends for food as far as there
is no celebration during Ayyam e Aza.

Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 4387 Tuesday 11th of September 2018


Salam Alakium If one is homosexual, but I do not know if he is Muslim or from ahl al kitab. Can I consider him tahir? Salam


Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
According to Ayatullah Sistani, Ahlul Kitab are Taahir.
Homosexual Musim or Ahlul Kitab is Taahir.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 4383 Saturday 8th of September 2018


Assalamualaikum...can I use deodorant and body spray during salat?


Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
Yes t is allowed to use it or apply it on your body unless you know that t is Najis.

Question ID 4371 Monday 27th of August 2018


Salaam Alaikum In the subcontinent, Shia community people (especially women) have a concept of "NAZAR Lagna", which they interpret as a kind of jealous/cursed view of their fellow persons. It is assumed that this can cause certain types of problems ranging from minor illness, financial loss, deterioration in health, or even huge loss such as death etc. There are a few methods in different regions, which are practised to ward off the bad omen of "NAZAR". Often this is described as a kind of Islamic ritual (as more religious people do this). Please explain this from the Islamic perspective. wassalam


Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
Bad eye (Nazar e Bad) is possible and it is mentioned in Quran in Sura Falaq and other verses.
Protection from bad eye is possible through reciting Quran especially Sura Falaq and Sura Naas and Ayatul Kursi.
Dua is also very effective in protection from every harm.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


WABIL - World Ahlulbayt(as) Islamic League, London.