Category: Miscellaneous

Total : 512 Results

Question ID 1897 Wednesday 3rd of September 2014

Question: it haraam to play casino in mobile. ....I follow ayoutullah sistani.....jazakallah


Casino is a type of gambling. Playing it in any way is nor permissible.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1862 Sunday 17th of August 2014


Sallam, Is it allowed in islam to learn about Aura, Aura healing, positive energy, negative energy, third eye? Can i meditate and use consciousness/subconsciousness techniques to improve my life style, health, wealth, along with prayers? Allah Hafiz


Using any technique which is linked with non-Muslim religious beliefs is
not allowed, even if it comes in the form of healing. There are many
practices which can help healing but when it is mixed with non-Muslim
rituals it must be avoided. We can practice any healing process away from
non-Muslim religious frame but we must avoid any practice of healing or
otherwise which is linked with non-Muslim religious claims.


Mohammed al-Musawi.

Question ID 1861 Sunday 17th of August 2014


A person has a phone and it there are noha quran dua etc can we keep that phone in the pocket of our pants is it permissable will it be considered as disrespect?


It is allowed and there no disrespect as it is a usual practice.


Question ID 1854 Saturday 16th of August 2014


Salamun Alaykum Maulana Some of the shia scholors are teaching Irfan/Tassawuf and philosophy of famous Greek philosophers Arusto and Aflatoon in order to attain higher level of spirituality and understanding of God and to be able to debate athiest to prove the existence of God. Is it ok to send our kids to such ulama and their lectures. Jazakllah and Wassalam


The teachings of Arusto and Aflatoon which are available today are not the
real truth according to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammed (PBHP)and his
holy Progeny Ahul Bayt (AS). It is wrong to leave the pure teachings of the
Prophet (PBHP) and his holy progeny and go after Greek philosophers or any
other philosophers because philosophers can be right in some areas and
wrong in other areas while the teachings of the Prophet (PBHP) and his
Ahlul Bayt (AS) are always right.

I am sorry to hear that some persons are teaching others the ideas of the
philosophers instead of teaching them the pure and perfect truth from the
sayings of the Prophet (PBHP) and his holy progeny Ahlul Bayt (AS).


Mohammad al-Musawi.


Question ID 1853 Saturday 16th of August 2014


Salamun Alaykum Maulana Can you please verify the authenticicity of below narration:- يروى أن عمرو ابن العاص قدم من الإسكندرية على النبي فسأله عما رأى؟ قال : رأيت قوما يتطلسون ويجتمعون حلقا، ويذكرون رجلا يقال له أرسطو طاليس لعنه الله! فقال له النبي: مه يا عمرو!، إن أرسطو طاليس كان نبيا فجهله قومه It is narrated that `Amr bin al-`Āṣ came from Alexandria to the Prophet and he (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) asked him (`Amr) about what he saw? He (`Amr bin al-`Āṣ) said: ‘I saw a group of people would gather in a halaqa, and they would mention a man, they called him Aristotle, may Allāh curse him. Then the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) said to him (`Amr): ‘O `Amr, Aristotle is a Prophet, but his people were ignorant of him! Aristotle repudiated their argument. His answer was that if anything occurs apparently by chance, it too has definite causes which deviate it from its regular activity. That chance is never on the level of natural activity which may continue for ever. (From Tawheed Mufadhal) Jazakallah


This narration is Not authentic as it has no authentic chain of narrators
to the Prophet (SAWA) and is not found in any of our Shia authentic books
of Hadeeth. It claims that Amr Ibn Al Aas came from Egypt to the Prophet
(SAWA), while the well known fact is he did not go to Egypt but during the
rule of Umar many years after the Prophet (SAWA)'s passing away.
Mohammad al-Musawi


WABIL - World Ahlulbayt(as) Islamic League, London.