Category: Taharat / Najasat

Total : 463 Results

Question ID 4740 Thursday 20th of June 2019


Salam alakium In many cars today we have leather looking seats which you dont know if it is real leather or not. I assume I can take them as tahir in the said case without investigation? If we assume that the seats are of leather and I dont know the origin of the country the leather are from. Can I take the seats as tahir? If the seats are of leather from a non-muslim country can I still take them as tahir as the seats would highly be coated with a material which does not put me in direct contact if my hands are wet? What if I dont know if they have been coated or not. Can I still take it as tahir? I follow Sayyed Sistani (May Allah prolong his life)


1. If you don’t know that it is from real leather, then you can take it as Taahir.
2. If you know that it is from real leather with reasonable possibility that it is from Halal slaughtered animal, then you can take it as Taahir.
3. If you know that is from real leather from non Halal slaughtered animal then it is Najis.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 4732 Monday 10th of June 2019


السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته if you take ghusl under a shower and first make ghusl and than go about to just wash your body normally. Are you allowed to wash what is between your anus with a washrag because you forgot to do it before the ghusl. If you than see some yellowish coulour on the washrag do you need to repeat ghusl or what should one do ? جزاكم الله خيرا


You need to be sure that during Ghusl, the wetness of the water reached to every part of your body.


Question ID 4709 Monday 27th of May 2019


Salaamunalikum. I have a wallet i dont know whether it is pure leather or no. But it has became najis so what is the way of making it paak. I follow ayoutullah sistani. Thank you


If the leather is from non halal animal, it is then Najis and there is no
way to make it Tahir.
If it is from Halal animal or from artificial leather, it can be washed to
make it Tahir if it became Najis.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 4707 Thursday 23rd of May 2019


Salam ! Sistani follower If there is dried blood stain on sofa - abd I clean it with 3tines water on it - the water that splashed elsewhere on sofa or carpet - is that najas too and do I have to clean all that places where splashes went 3 times too. So does the water used in cleaning a najas item - najas too or not!


If it was blood, then it was Najis and the small quantity of water used in cleaning it is also Najis. If you used Kurr or tab water, then it is not Najis.

Question ID 4672 Saturday 20th of April 2019


Salam My new cut his finger and spilled blood on Carpet is washing the carpet with plain water enough to make the Carpet clean ?


Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
You need first to remove the blood from the carpet, then wash the Najis
part/ parts of the carpet with water.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

WABIL - World Ahlulbayt(as) Islamic League, London.