Category: Taharat / Najasat

Total : 463 Results

Question ID 4665 Sunday 14th of April 2019


Salam, My question relates to tahara. If I am having a shower and water is poured onto my penis and the opening where urine comes out opens as I pour water onto it, does it render any part of my body nijas? Wasalm


Nothing in your body is Najis if there was no urine.


Question ID 4662 Friday 12th of April 2019


Salam 1)What is Stinja and how is it performed? 2)do I always perform Stinja before performing Wudu? Thank you


Estinjaa is purifying the private part or parts after passing urine or stool. It is obligatory for making your Namaz (Salah) valid.
Estibraa is clearing the urine track from any remaining drops of urine. Estibraa is recommended and it is done by pressing (three times ) with your finger on the track of urine starting from near the anus till the start of the penis, then from the beginning till the end of the penis (three times ) , then the pressing on the top f the penis (three times ) .
> By doing Estibraa, you will be sure that no urine drops remained in the urine track and if any doubtful drop falls, you can take it as Taahir (Not urine).
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 4637 Wednesday 20th of March 2019


Salam Following the question 4635 Plz Sayyyed clear my mind I m already have a lots of wasawass abut nijasat and tahrat my life is very difficult I’m so worried about that if the floor of washroom not Pak it make all my house najas because after taking shower we go All house by walking so if the feet or shoes are wet so nijasat goes every where Plz plz clear it what I can do about All House carpeted floor I’m so depressed and worrying about that situation Plz rply as soon as possible JazakAllah Khair


Wa Alaykum Wr Wb
Don’t listen to Shaitan who whispers in our ears and makes you doubt.
You need to totally ignore all the Satanic whisperings.
Your house is Taahir except any part where you are sure that it became Najis.
If you don’t decide yourself to get rid of Satanic whispering, no one will be able to help you. It is your decision.
Keep on repeating Estighfaar and Salawaat.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 4635 Wednesday 20th of March 2019


Salam If the marble floor najas with few drops of urine and remove it with wet towel three times So what is it paak or not because


Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
You must wash the Najis area with water. If it was with Kurr water or tab
water then just one time. If small amount of water then three times.

Question ID 4615 Wednesday 6th of March 2019


Salam alakium To follow up on Question ID 4612. I removed the water as much as I could do. But little water remained which dried up by itself. Why do I have to wipe the water off when I used water from a kurr source?? please answer me quick Sayyed. Thank you.


You have taken water from Kurt which means you separated it from the Kurt.

On Tue, 5 Mar 2019 at 18:17, Ali Reply-To: <> wrote:

> Mr/Mrs Ali
> posted a new question on wabil website, the details are below...
> Category : Taharat / Najasat
> Question : Salam alakium
> To follow up on Question ID 4612. I removed the water as much as I could
> do. But little water remained which dried up by itself. Why do I have to
> wipe the water off when I used water from a kurr source?? please answer me
> quick Sayyed. Thank you.

WABIL - World Ahlulbayt(as) Islamic League, London.