Category: Taharat / Najasat
Total : 463 Results
Question ID 5656 Thursday 17th of March 2022
I wanted to ask that i have doubts about taharat and nahasat and workimg on it by not leading any irrational thoughts.. i wanted to know that while performing ghusl i couldnt achieve satusfaction easily that my head and neck is wet with water so i part my hairs and do it again and again until i feel direct water from shower on my scalp .. it exhaust me.. what i should do? Should i do only one time like when i reach the minimum level of surety that my neck and scalp are wet?
Doubting on Taharat and Najasat should not be allowed to lead you to bad
situation of frequent doubting which is in fact from Shaitan to disturb
you. You should just pour water on your head and neck or even touch your
hand which has water on your head and neck and don=E2=80=99t need to part y=
our hair.
Question ID 5637 Saturday 5th of February 2022
Salaam Is it possible for a man to get pre cum/pre ejaculatory discharge following a dream. Some mornings when I wake up I have clear pre cum type discharge. Because I had OCD I worry about it even though I’m quite sure there’s been no ejaculation or semen I still begin to have doubts. Should I still continue to treat this clear discharge as tahir?
Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
Yes it is Tahir unless you are sure that it is really semen.
Question ID 5626 Thursday 6th of January 2022
Salam alaykoum. I follow sayyid Sistani. Does the amount of liquid or the number of times one feels liquid from urinary outlet matter in regards to tahara after doing istibra or will any amount of liquid be tahir?
Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
Liquid which is doubted whether urine or not is Tahir if you have done
If you know from its amount that it is urine, then it is Najis.
Question ID 5625 Wednesday 5th of January 2022
How many times can you feel liquid coming out of male urethra and still consider it tahir after istibra? I feel liquid daily and multiple times and at random times after istibra ( I don’t have urine incontinence ), can I consider it tahir all the time? Thanks.
Yes, you can consider it Taahir as far is you do istibraa. Any doubted
liquid after istibraa is Taahir.
Question ID 5619 Thursday 30th of December 2021
Salam alaikum I follow ayatollah Sistani I wanted to know if the acne in the face is najis if it’s popped but no blood came out
Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
Acne in the face is not Najis as far as there is no blood coming out.