Category: Wuzu / Ghusl / Bath
Total : 178 Results
Question ID 2295 Thursday 12th of February 2015
is the tiles of the house floor considered stone so can a person do tayammum on it?according to ayatullah sistani
Yes it is allowed to do Tayammum of the floor of the house.
Question ID 2289 Sunday 8th of February 2015
As salamo alaikum, Agha i follow Ayatollah Sistani, if i see any liquid other than semen on my it permissible to pray salaah with those clothes on. Jazaakallah Rehamallah o Walaidaik
If you are sure that it is not semen and not urine, it is Taahir and you
are allowed to pray Namaz with it.
Mohammad Al-Musawi
Question ID 2287 Saturday 7th of February 2015
Salam, I am a muqallid of Ayatollah Sistani. I notice a liquid on my brief after taking ghusl e janabah? Is the liquid paak?? can i pray salaah in those clothes?? do i have to do ghusl e janabah again? Even in normal days i sometimes notice a slimy liquid so can i pray salaah of thats there on the clothes. jazaakallah
If you are not sure that the liquid is semen, then you do not need to
preform Ghusl janabah again.
If you passed urine and did Istibraa, then that doubtful drop is Taahir.
Mohammad Al-Musawi
Question ID 2286 Friday 6th of February 2015
my question id was 2250 the problem is i cannot remove the dirt it in the holes in my nails to remove it i will have to remove the whole nail out but no Garante that the new nail that grows would be without holes?
Dirt which prevents water from reaching the nail must be removed.
Question ID 2250 Thursday 22nd of January 2015
I have nail Ridges and it is on my toes because of it dirt accumulates between the holes of my nails i cant remove the dirt but the dirt can be seen will my wuzu or ghusl be valid when i put water on it if it is invalid will my past salat and fasting i have to repeat again do i need to make the niyat of jabira wuzu and ghusl?
You must remove the dirt which is on your nails or fingers , such dirt
which prevents water from reaching to your skin and nail, otherwise your
Wudhu and Ghusl will be invalid.
Previous Salaat and Fast must be repeated if it was performed with out
valid Wudhu and valid Ghusl.
Mohammad Al-Musawi