Category: Hereafter
Total : 13 Results
Question ID 1094 Friday 24th of January 2014
salam alaykum, i have a student loan under my moms name. my husband will not allow me to go work and has no intention on paying it. will i be responsible for the loan on the day of judgment or my husband?
As the Student Loan is from the government is repayable when you work, and
you are not working, then you are not responsible unless you work.
Mohammad al-Musawi
Question ID 353 Wednesday 27th of February 2013
Salam. 1. How old is the child will he/she excuse in questioning and answering in the grave?, or, are they included in questioning? 2. How about non muslim children, are they excuse? Sukran.
Children will not be asked as far as they died before becoming Baaligh.
Same applies to children of non Muslims. Every one is responsible about the knowledge which reached him. Being Baaligh is a condition of responsibility .
Mohammad al-Musawi
Question ID 248 Saturday 22nd of December 2012
During the questioning process in the graveyard of Munkir & Nakeer, is it in arabic or in your own language?
The question of Munkar and Nakeer will be in a language which completely und=
erstood by the person, whether his own mother tongue, or Arabic which will k=
nown to every one when he dies.
Wassalam .