Question ID 1732 - 2014-07-19 19:40:23
Salaamu alaykum Sometimes during salat I think of my wife and i become excited and sometimes i get an erection. I my salat void and do i need to repeat it? walsalam
Salat is not void, but the real Salat needs your heart to be with Allah ,
not with worldly matters. Your Salat will be elevated when you concentrate
on it, and not when you think out side your Salat.
Mohammad al-Musawi
Question ID 1736 - 2014-07-20 10:50:38
Salaamunalikum....I was at masjid on 23rd of Ramzan....I prayed all the namaz but when I have gone to washroom after coming out of washroom I became najis and at that time there was aamal of 23rd......I have not done amaal and my house was not so near that I can change and come by the time the amaal would have been finish....I felt like crying......can I do the amaal afterwards......
Yes you can.
Question ID 1733 - 2014-07-19 23:23:03
Slamunalycum, My quation is below; 1. I can pray namaz with wife in the house ? 2. I can pray namaz behind wife in the house ? thanks shukran h zaidi bom.
1. I can pray namaz with wife in the house ?
=E2=80=8B=D9=90A. Yes you can but if you want to lead the Namaz, you should=
fulfil the
conditions of leading Jama'at like being 'Aadil and proper Qira'at etc.=E2=
2. I can pray namaz behind wife in the house ?
=E2=80=8BA2. No, you are not allowed to pray Jama'at behind your wife or an=
y other
Woman can only lead women in Namaz not men.=E2=80=8B
> =E2=80=8BEven praying Furada, woman should pray behind man.
Mohammad al-Musawi=E2=80=8B
> =E2=80=8B
Question ID 1734 - 2014-07-20 00:16:29
Is it OK if a person while fasting puts water in his eyes ears nose for ghusl purpose while fasting?
Yes it is allowed as far as no water goes inside his stomach.
=E2=80=8BMohammad al-Musawi=E2=80=8B
Question ID 1735 - 2014-07-20 00:20:31
If on a person ghusl of janabat becomes wajib and he does ghusl of janabat before fajr will he have to do wuzu for namaz e fajr or ghusl will be enough
No need for Wuzu after Ghusl Janabat.