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Question ID 1925 - 2014-09-16 23:51:34


If a syed girl can marry a non syed boy then why is it not allowed for a shia sunni to marry? Has allah not permitted it? Even if both respect each others faith and have no intention of converting each other. The girl stays shia and the boy stays a sunni. If allah has not permitted it in quran or hadith the person is willing to not consider marriage. Even if the boy respects shia thoughts and the ahlulbait(as).


Marriage which can lead to weakening or harming the true faith or
proper religious practice is not allowed.
Mohammad al-Misawi


Question ID 1903 - 2014-09-05 01:04:01


Assalamualaykum, my question is in regards to drawing. Is it permissible to draw a human figure from one’s memory or a 2D source, such as a photograph, as long as the content is not haram? Thank you.


Incomplete human figure drawing is allowed.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1902 - 2014-09-04 22:37:14


If a ahle kitab shakes hands with a non muslim whose hands are wet his hand becomes wajib but the next day he shake his hands with me i did not see him wash his hands but i get a feeling that he might have washed his hands (he could have washed his hands like after eating or taking a bath etc but i have not seen it) will his hand be pak?


Not Paak till you see him or be sure that he washed it.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1901 - 2014-09-04 05:54:13


salaam moosvi sahab.i feel really upset when i see the things happening in gaza,palestine and i want to do as mus=ch as possible to help those in need and moreover i want to help people who need help on daily basis what should i do in order to help?


Keep praying for the oppressed and against the oppressors .
Do what ever you can to help the oppressed.
mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1913 - 2014-09-11 05:51:06


As salaam Alaikum Agha, I pray to almightily Allah to grant you good health and long life. I am under the taqleed of Ayatullah Sistani. My question is as follows "I work for a restaurant as a chef. The restaurant sell Alcohol and Pork also but all other meat is Halaal, I do not cook pork or involved in any part of alcohol selling or touching. I am one of the senior employee and the oldest member of the senior team. The company is offering me some shares as an incentive for hard work and also as a retention policy. My question is can i accept these company Shares? Mohtaj-e-dua. Naved Nasir.


You are not allowed to accept or own any share in a company dealing with
pork or alcohol.
Mohammad al-Musawi
