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Question ID 3052 - 2016-01-06 03:29:27


Asc Brother and sisters after that my question is is there any women or men who originally ahlu bayt today in life the world i am somali and i see more people saying i am ashraf and so on so my question is that is true or false if true what is my responsibility to respect to love them what is my responsibility


There are millions today in many countries from the tree of Ahlul Bayt
(AS). They are called Ashraaf in some countries or Sayyeds in other
countries or other titles.
We have to respect and help them to the most because of their great grand
fathers who are the Prophet (SAWA) and Ahlul Bayt (AS).
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 3064 - 2016-01-13 05:26:14


Salam un alike if i visit a friend at the Hospital wich is out of my City every day for one week or more do i Pray qasr at the Hospital or full?


If the hospital is 22 Km away from the boarder of your city or town or
village, you must pray there as Qasr.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 3063 - 2016-01-13 04:20:21


Assalamalaikum , 1) Can you please let me know if " A World Without Barriers " ( AWWB) is an authetic charity group ? 2) If yes , then are they also sponsoring Syrian children ( from Madaya ) or only children from Iraq and Afghanistan ? We have a bunch of people in our community who want to sponsor Orphans but want to know if AWWB is authentic . Jazakallah khair Sameena Hussain


Assalamalaikum ,

> 1) Can you please let me know if " A World Without Barriers " ( AWWB) is
> an authetic charity group ?
=E2=80=8BA1) Yes, they are part of WABIL.=E2=80=8B

> 2) If yes , then are they also sponsoring Syrian children ( from Madaya )
> or only children from Iraq and Afghanistan ?
> =E2=80=8BA2) Yes, they are part of WABIL efforts to help where ever help =
> required and our abilities.
=E2=80=8B =E2=80=8B
A World Without Barriers
=E2=80=8B is part of WABIL and we encourage people =E2=80=8Bto sponsor orph=
ans and needy
through them.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

> =E2=80=8B

Question ID 3066 - 2016-01-14 06:18:34


Salaam Alaykom, I have a question regarding a charity group called A World Without Barriers that fundraise on behalf of you for Syrian people. I just wanted to make sure that they are reliable. I would appreciate it if could verify them. Thanks, Mohammaf


Yes, they are part of WABIL.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 3074 - 2016-01-19 11:58:25


Salam un alike if I go to Masjid to a different City for Friday Prayers does my prayer become Qasr since it is a Mustahab Prayer not Wajib?


There is no Qasr for Juma Prayer because it is two Rak'ats, but for Asr,
the traveler must pray it Qasr.
Mohammad Al-Musawi
