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Question ID 3134 - 2016-02-09 19:26:31


Salam un alike 1) why did Imam Ali (as) not defend Bebi Fatima (as) when Omar attacked her (as) house? if he (as) did I need references please 2) could you please suggest a book about the attack of the house of Bebi Fatima (as) ?


> =E2=80=8BQ=E2=80=8B
> 1) why did Imam Ali (as) not defend B
> =E2=80=8Bi=E2=80=8B
> bi Fatima (as) when Omar attacked her (as) house?
=E2=80=8BA1) Omar attacked the house of Ali (AS) and Fatima (AS)=E2=80=8B

=E2=80=8B to force Ali (AS) to give allegiance to Abu Bakr. Fatima (AS) wen=
t to the
door to ask Omar to go away. Omar attacked her and pressed her between the
door and the wall and caused breaking her rib and loosing her embryo
Mohsen. Ali (AS) was been ordered by the Prophet (SAWA) not to fight the
hypocrites to avoid civil war among Muslims. =E2=80=8B

> =E2=80=8BQ=E2=80=8B
> 2) could you please suggest a book about the attack of the house of Bebi
> Fatima (as) ?
=E2=80=8BA2) Many books have been published in Arabic in this subject=E2=80=

Mohammad Al-Musawi=E2=80=8B

Question ID 3135 - 2016-02-10 09:08:24


my hands touched najis or semen but after that my hands dried as I rubbed them and I did not was them so in that case the things which I touched will become najis.


Dry Najis item does not transfer Nijasat to other items unless touching
them was with wetness.
Mohamamd Al-Musawi


Question ID 3136 - 2016-02-10 20:43:28


Salam un alike Is Crying/wailing for Ahlulbayt/Imam Hussain (as) haram on Eid day or on their Birthdays?


It is good to remember and cry and wail on the tragedies of Ahlul Bayt (AS)
every day and night with out any exception.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 3137 - 2016-02-10 21:02:05


Salam un alike 1) what does the word Sayed mean? Who is a Sayed ? 2) who are the Dajjal ?


1. Sayyed in Arabic means chief or respected person in his community.
Sayyed is used mostly for the grand children of the family of the Prophet
(SAWA) who come from the family tree of Bani Hashem.
2. Dajjal is mischievous person who will call people for falshood.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 3138 - 2016-02-11 07:01:02


SA Can we buy fish from non muslim shop in West


> =E2=80=8BYes we are allowed to eat fish which is sold by non Muslims as f=
ar as the
> fish has scales on it and it was caught alive from the water.
Mohamamd Al-Musawi=E2=80=8B

> =E2=80=8B