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Question ID 3645 - 2016-12-02 15:10:48


Assalamoalaikum I want to know that is mutah with Agha Khanis,Druze, Wahhabi and Nizari allowed. Wassalam.


All of them are Muslims so it is allowed with other conditions.


Question ID 3644 - 2016-12-02 12:12:09


Do you believe it is important for Sayyids to protect their genealogical records using Ilm Al-Ansab ? If so, why?


Yes it is important for Sayyids to maintain and keep their genealogical
records through Elm Al Ansab because of many reasons e.g. Sayyid must be
known and he must avoid taking Fitra or any obligatory Zakat from non
Poor Sayyids are entitled to half the Khums (Sahm Sadat) while non Sayyids
are not allowed to utilise Sahm Sadat. Sayyids should respect in their
behavior the greatness of their family tree and and their great grandfather
the Prophet sawa and Ahlul Bayt a.s.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 3638 - 2016-12-01 10:39:55


Salam alaikum, Is it permitted for muslin to rear pig for commercial purposes. No intention of eating it whatsoever. Salawat


It is not allowed for a Muslim to be involved in any business related to

Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 3637 - 2016-11-30 11:30:58


Peace be upon you! I am a converted Shia Muslim from Germany and would like to know His Excellencies opinion on the following matter: The Holy Quran warns us, to take non-believers or disbelievers as friends or guardians. What is the judgement on a close friendship to someone who considers himself as an Atheist who believes that the devine religions can be disapproved by science and is showing this opinion to the believers in his talks on a daily basis? May Allah reward you for your efforts and be the blessings upon you!


Islam does not forbid friendship with non Muslims; it does however forbid
Muslims from being dependant and followers of non Muslims.

The atheist who keeps propagating his opinion needs to be guided and
advised. If you see that he is rejecting the evidence and insisting on his
wrong opinion, you should not waste time with him.

Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 3636 - 2016-11-30 02:54:05


i am suffering from mental illness from 1 year...due to distress i masturbate sometime wishly...mental illness due to firstly doubtness about pak napak....then i am suffering from this...then i am totally hanged...my life is destroying...i daily washed my clothes....it ruins my life...


We need to be sure that the mercy of Allah is much bigger and greater than
all our problems. All the solutions for our issues are in his hands; he
told us that the way of gaining peace of mind is remembering him at all
times. Your mental problems can be easily solved by focusing on the
remembering Allah and trusting his great mercy.

Masturbation is a major sin and it cannot be justified because of your
mental stress.
I advise you to repeat Istighfar, Salawat, La Hawla Wala Quwata Ella Billah
and La Elaha Ella Allah
If you perform some of these recitations during state of prostration
(Sujood) you might get better benefits and a faster cure Inshallah.

Mohammad Al-Musawi