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Question ID 5713 - 2022-06-24 20:55:40


Can Shia (Asna Ashri) man marry with a Sunni girl?


Yes, it is permissible as far as he is sure that such marriage will not
harm his faith now or in the future.


Question ID 5712 - 2022-06-24 16:36:23


Salaamunalikum. i usually travel for my job and my question is ii ma not sure whether i will stay at that place more than 10 days or less than 10 days in this situation will i have to perform Qasr namaz or full namaz. i follow ayoutullah sistani. Thank you


*If you travel for your job for total ten days or more every month, then
you must pray full Namaz during these days, but if don=E2=80=99t spend ten =
every month in the travel for work, then you are a traveler who must pray
Qasr if the period of the stay at that place is less than ten days. If you
are not sure whether you will staying ten days or less, you then need to
pray Qasr till you become sure that you will be definitely staying ten days
from the day of such decision onward and not from the day if your arrival
as you were not sure.*


Question ID 5714 - 2022-07-02 21:41:17


I have missed prayers of many years, what should i do ? Which is the better option to pray all the qaza namaz ? But it will take many years.


Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
*Every obligatory missed Prayer must be made up even if it was for many
years. You must pray Qaza as much as you can as far as you are able. You
also need to mention in your will what is remaining on you so that your
family arrange for Qaza on your behalf in case some Qaza is not done till
*Qaza Namaz can be performed with only the obligatory acts and recitations
to make it shorter and easier.*

Question ID 5715 - 2022-07-05 15:58:10


Salam, before changing my life ive been into sins , like when i was teenager i utilize schools group money for buying things, and i also did not payed to my tailor, now when im 25 i got to learn utilizing money of other people is a major sin please tell me what should i do , i want Allah to forgive me , please help me


Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
You must return back the rights of others in any possible way. If you can
not reach to them, then you should pay that money to the poor believers on
behalf of the owners of the money.
We always need to repeat Istighfaar as much as possible.


Question ID 5721 - 2022-07-17 07:04:25


Salaam, does one feel and understand what is happening around him once he is dead. Does a dead person know when someone comes visit his/her grave? Also what is the purpose of sickness what benifit do we get out of being put through sickness. JazakAllah khair.


*Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb.*
*1. Yes, dead person knows and understands what happens around him and he
knows who visits his grave.*
*2. Sickness can be a result of wrong eating or wrong drinking or wrong
actions. Sickness of a believer can be a test or purification or for
getting more degrees. Sickness warns human beings to make them better
persons and during sickness they understand their weakness and become more
humble and less arrogant. During sickness, many people seek forgiveness for
their sins, so, sickness helps them to be better human beings.*
*Muhammad al-Musawi*