Category: Haj & Umra

Total : 97 Results

Question ID 3652 Tuesday 13th of December 2016


AOA, Im going for performing umra. My query is that once I performed umra for myself. Should I ve to go to mikat again to wear ihram for another umra which I wish to perform for my parents or I can wear ihram from my hotel room.thanks


Ehraam can not start but from Meeqaat. Your Meeqaat if you are in Makkah is
Masjid Al-tan'eem which is not far from Haram area. You must go there for
Ehraam for another Umra.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 3646 Sunday 4th of December 2016


Assalam o alaikum I have to perform umrah from Madinah but periods start before leaving someone told that you should not enter ehraam from abyar e Ali instead go to Makkah n after ghusl perform umrah from masjid e Aisha but now someone told that I have to give fidya as with firm intention of umrah one can not pass through meeqat without entering ehram?


Wearing Ehraam and entering in state of Ehraam is allowed during period of
menstruation. Entering Mackay is also allowed. Entering Masjid AL Haram or
any other Masjid is not allowed tilll you are Taahir from menstruation.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 3527 Friday 2nd of September 2016


what is the origin of tawaf un nisa.Did Prophet and Ahlebait perform it?


Yes, Tawafun Nisa was performed by the Prophet (SAWA) and all Ahlul Bayt
(AS) and they taught every Muslim to perform it, but for political reasons,
many Muslims were been kept unaware of it.
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This Hadeeth is narrated in Sunni main books of Hadeeth. It says that:
(People were been ordered to make last visit for Ka'ba with Tawaf.)
This is obvious that it is an obligatory Tawaf. This is Tawafun Nisa.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 3478 Wednesday 20th of July 2016


1. Can we enter Makkah without Ihram. 2. After rest go to Miqat (Taif) and wear Ihram for Umrah e Mufarda. Maraja... Syed Ali Khamenei


No, it is not allowed to enter Makkah with out Ehraam. You can rest in
Jeddah or any other place before entering Makkah, but you are not allowed
to enter Makkah with out Ehraam.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 3435 Tuesday 28th of June 2016


Salam Alakium. I previously asked this question: Question ID 3416 - Haj & Umra Salam Alakium. I would like to go to hajj, but I do not have the money to go yet. But I can borrow the money from my parents and pay them afterwards. The money they have is haram. Is this permissible according to sistani and Khameni? Answer:- Hajj is invalid if you use Haraam money. But I would like to know if some of the money is from a halal source and has been mixed with haram money. Will the money then still be haram? And if I have some haram money how do I make them halal? Do I simply throw them away or? I would please like the opinion of Fadallah, Sistani and Khameni.


Haraam money must be given back to its original owner and if not known then
to Marje of Taqleed as Majhool al Maalik to be distributed among the poor
on behalf of the real owners.


WABIL - World Ahlulbayt(as) Islamic League, London.