The Beginning of Muharram 1437 AH - The Message of Imam Hussain (as)

Dated: October 14, 2015

The Muslim world enters into a new year with the advent of the month of Muharram. However, far from being a celebration, this month is one of acute sorrow, grief and mourning. This is the month when just 50 years after the demise of the Prophet, his beloved grandson Hussain ibn Ali (as) was mercilessly killed along with this family and companions, on the deserted plains of Karbala in 61 AH / 680 CE. World Ahlul Bayt Islamic League offers its condolences to the imam of our time Imam Mahdi (atfs) and to all believers who mourn Hussain (as) who saved Islam by his martyrdom.
The question that poses itself to us is, how  and WHY is the tragedy of Karbala significant today and what should be our response to it?
The events of Karbala are not to be simply confined to the pages of history: they are not just a historical record to be argued over, debated, and discussed. They are in fact the most incomparable, painful, tragic killing of any human being ever. The events of Karbala were foretold by many Prophets: Adam (as) grieved uncontrollably when he passed through the land of Karbala, and was told by the angel Jibril that this is the land where the last Prophet's grandson would be killed. The Prophet Ibrahim (as)'s sacrifice of his son Ismail (as) was replaced by the future 'great sacrifice', that of Hussain (as) according to commentators of the Quran. And in fact Zakariyya (as) was also told about the tragedy of Karbala, as a result of which he asked for a son, Yahya (as) to be born and sacrificed in God's way so that he too could know the grief of Muhammad (sawa). Killing any human unlawfully is a most evil act, but to kill the grandson the most perfect human being ever, the mercy to the universe (sawa) is indeed a most heinous, indecent and cruel act ever, especially as it was done by so-called Muslims.
Therefore, how can it be that such an event is just confined to history? No: Karbala was the place where Imam Hussain (as), the third infallible Imam, gave up his life in order to challenge the corrupt ruler of his time, Yazid ibn Muawiya, and stood up to stop him from changing and corrupting Islam. Had it not been for this sacrifice, Islam would have been changed beyond recognition. This is why Karbala is so important and relevant today - there would be no prayer, no fasting, no Shariah, had it not been for Imam Hussain (as).
So what should be our response to the events of Karbala? Simply put, we owe our very lives to Imam Hussain (as). Therefore loyalty demands that we remember the events of Karbala consistently for the next ten days, and then for the forty day mourning period after that, so that the message of Hussain (as) becomes part of our entire lives. We should organise gatherings in our mosques, imambargahs, and homes, to hear accounts of Imam Hussain (as)'s mission, his teachings, and his final journey to the next world. We must familiarise ourselves not just with how he was killed, but why and how we can keep his message alive today. 
Knowledge is only meaningful if we translate it into action. So this Muharram, make a pact with Imam Hussain (as) that you will always stand up against injustice, no matter against whom. Promise him that you will improve yourselves in manners and social etiquette so that you will become a true representative of his mission. And more than anything, spend your time shunning social pleasures and instead read and listen to lectures about the teachings of Imam Hussain, the suffering of the Ahlul Bayt (as) and how you must make a difference in the world. 
On a practical and spiritual level, if you do not already do so, try to stay in wudu as much as possible. Be reflective and sombre on the tragedy of Hussain (as). Put aside all joking and fun for this mourning period and think about what Hussain (as) did for your salvation. When you are out and join protests or in your local Shia centre, keep the place tidy. Sit and walk with humility. Constantly send salawat on the Prophet and his family and ask Allah to take to account those who killed Hussain (as). And more than anything, remember that Hussain (as)'s companions are those who stood by his side, not those who remained silent and watched from the side-lines. Hence do not be silent against oppression: stand up for divine and social justice wherever you are. Allow your heart to grieve and cry for Hussain (as). Indeed Imam Ali Reza (as) said, 'let the weepers weep over someone like Hussain (as) for verily weeping over him reduces the burden of great sins'. Crying over Hussain (as) is an act of worship, it is a sign of great strength and love. This grief will heal us all from all our worries and burdens as we forget our problems and think only of Hussain (as).
This is the time to renew your covenant both with Allah (swt) to serve Him better by following the Quran and the Ahlul Bayt (as), and the Imam of our time, Imam Mahdi (atfs). May Allah the Glorious bless the sacrifice of Imam Hussain (as) and his followers, and may He count us as those who are with Hussain (as).
Sayed Mohammad Al-Musawi
World Ahlul Bayt Islamic League (WABIL)
London, UK

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