Category: Marriage
Total : 371 Results
Question ID 4323 Wednesday 23rd of May 2018
Asalam o alaikum. Recently i have married (muta) with a divorced. And she is living with parents and is not financially independent. She is Muslim but she follows someone live in london and she believes he is Imam Mahdi. So please guide me is my muta valid, as i am under takleed of ayatollah sistani.
If she is a Muslim, then the Muta marriage with her is valid even if she is misguided by a person who lives in London claiming that he is the Imam.
Can you please write more details about the person who claims this false claim?
Question ID 4297 Monday 16th of April 2018
Is it possible to do mutta online (aqd recited on phone ) in order to chat to a lady who is within the rules to do mutta ie divorced. Also can intimate pictures and videos exchanged under mutta conditions. Jazakallah khair inshallah for your guidance. May Allah swt reward you for your efforts. Aameen
Yes it is permissible to do Mut=E2=80=99ah on phone provided all condition=
s are
If Mut=E2=80=99ah is valid, then intimacy is allowed.
Mohammad Al-Musawi
Question ID 4294 Sunday 15th of April 2018
Salaam Syed! My question is a Married man can do mutha with a Sunni girl who married a non Muslim man and has a child from him ? But now they separated for 3 years . is it permissible do mutha with her without her parents permission however she is independent in her income.i am follow to ayetullah syed sistani. Thank you very much . Waslaam
No marriage is allowed between Muslim female and non Muslim male. She is
still unmarried and needs her father=E2=80=99s permission.
Question ID 4277 Sunday 1st of April 2018
Salam I am in doubt about marrying a girl whom I find attractive. She seems like a good girl who loves religion and her family I think is good also. I would like to do an istikhara if I should go ahead or not please. Wa salam
Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
The Istekhara is good.
Question ID 4276 Sunday 1st of April 2018
Salam I want to get married but I do not have the money for the marriage yet. My father have offered me to help me. The problem is that some of his money is haram and some of them is halal. So the money has been mixed. Is it permissible for me to take a loan from him or take money from him as a gift? I dont know how much of the money which is halal or haram.
It is allowed for you to accept gift from your father or take loan from
him as far as you don=E2=80=99t have specific evidence that this specific a=
mount is
Haraam money.
Mohammad al-Musawi