Category: Marriage

Total : 371 Results

Question ID 4127 Saturday 23rd of December 2017


If the spouse and his/her family is turn out to be known as Nosayrii in fath after the Nikah been take place and seeghas been issued, Is the Nikah correct or baatiL? As they posed themselves as Shia before Nikah.


Nikash is valid, unless the wife herself denies any of Usool Deen like
Tawheed, Nobawwat or Qiyamat. If she denies any of theses basic faiths,
then she becomes non Muslim and the Nikah will then be void because there
is no marriage between Muslim and non Muslim.
Many people claim to be Nosayri but they don=E2=80=99t deny the basic Islam=
faith, that=E2=80=99s why they remain Muslims.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 4125 Friday 22nd of December 2017


Salaam Alaikum My brother was blessed with their 1st Baby Girl on 26th Rabiul awwal just before Maghrib in India. Please suggest a name for the new born Father Name Kazim Ali Khan Mother Name Saniya Khan


Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
Kaniz Zahra or Kaniz Zainab.
May Allah (SWT) bless the newly born and all the family.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 4103 Saturday 9th of December 2017


Salam This is allowed ? when a girl wants to marry a boy that Girl is shia and sayed. but that boy is not sayed and he is muslim but after marriage he will become shia and sayed. This is allowed in shia ?


Not allowed because he can never become a Sayed after marriage if he is not
a Sayed.
Being a Sayed is not compulsory for marriage but being a Muslim is
compulsory. If he is not presently following Ahlul Bayt (AS), such marriage
can be cause of harming the faith of the Shi=E2=80=99a girl, that is why yo=
u must
be sure that he is already following Ahlul Bayt (AS) before thinking about
marrying with him.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 4081 Tuesday 21st of November 2017


salam a man has done mutha with a christian woman with a term of more then 10 years.After a year in mutha she was pressured to marry another by family.she is in love with the man she did mutha with and claims her vows with the christian man are not valid because she is in mutha with the man she loves. so the question is are the mutha vows still active. does that make her christian marriage void.salaam


If she was in Mutah marriage, no marriage with another person can be valid during the Mutah marriage period. The second marriage is invalid, and she must keep herself away from the second man as he is not her husband. Any sexual relationship with the second man is a fornication.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 4067 Wednesday 8th of November 2017


Assalamualikum. Before putting forward my question I would like to let u know my anxiety condition. I get thoughts that I might harm ahlulbaits dignity nauzubillah or commit any disrespect or would have unconciously.does that voids my nikah and makes me a non-Muslim?


Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
Such bad thoughts do not invalidate your Nikah nor affect your status as a
Muslim. Bad thoughts are from shaitan to disturb people. Bad people follow
it whole good people struggle against it knowing that it is bad.
Repeat Estigfaar and Salawaat as many times as you can to be protected from
Satanic evil.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

WABIL - World Ahlulbayt(as) Islamic League, London.