Category: Marriage

Total : 371 Results

Question ID 2826 Saturday 19th of September 2015


اسلام علیکم سر ایک سوال ھے جو کافی عرصہ سے ذھن میں. اگر کوی شخص کسی کو قانونی طلاق دے دے تو وہ سہی تصور کی جائیگی؟ قانونی طلاق ہونے کے بعد کیا لڑکی دوسرا نکاح کر سکتی ہے؟ یا شرعی طلاق ضروری ہے. اور اگر کوئی بغیر شرعی طلاق کے نکاح کر لے اور اولاد بھی ہو جائے تو اس کے بارے میں کیا احکامات ہیں.


There no real Talaq unless it is done according to Shariat.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 2820 Monday 14th of September 2015


Salam Aalikum Sheikh               May Allah grant you long life so we can continue to learn from you. I have learnt so much from your Q&A show may Allah reward you. I have 3 questions and I hope pray that I get the answer to them from you very soon INSHA ALLAH  1. I would like to know more about Alhubaht  and I was wondering if you could recommend  some books I can read to help me get this knowledge.  2. Is oral sex(masturbation) allowed between a husband and his wife or is this forbidden  (Haram). 3. People always ask me about Mutah marriage and am always Unable to answer properly can you please recommend books I can read to build up on this knowledge.  


> 1. I would like to know more about Alhubaht and I was wondering if you
> could recommend some books I can read to help me get this knowledge.

A1. There are many books and useful websites that you can see, i.e.
And many others.

> 2. Is oral sex(masturbation) allowed between a husband and his wife or is
> this forbidden (Haram).
> A2. It is allowed between husband and wife.

> 3. People always ask me about Mutah marriage and am always Unable to
> answer properly can you please recommend books I can read to build up on
> this knowledge.
> A3. You will find in the websites which I have suggested above many books
> in this regard and evidences from Sunni main books that Mut'ah marriage was
> allowed during the whole life of the Prophet ( SAWA) and even after him,
> till Omar banned it for reasons better known by him, but nothing in Islam
> can be changed after the Prophet (SAWA) has announced it Halal.

Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 2819 Monday 14th of September 2015


How i can do mutah , and with whom it applicable , do i need any molana to read our mutah with witness or me and my lady can do it by ourself if we both are agree for the same .Please answer as soon as possible .


Mut'ah is a type of marriage in which Muslim man and Muslim or Ahlul
Kitab woman agree to marry each other with an amount of Mahr for an agreed
period of time.
The woman must tell the man : I offer being your wife in Mut'ah for the
agreed Mahr and agreed period of time.(ZAWWAJTOKA NAFSI ALAL MAHR AL
MA'LOOM LIL MUDDATIL MA'LOOMAH). Man must reply her immediately accepting
that ( QABILTU) .It should be in Arabic.
There is no need for Molana to be present as far as man and woman can
recite it in Arabic or through someone who knows Arabic.
Witness is recommended but not necessary in such marriage.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 2795 Wednesday 2nd of September 2015


Salamalikum My husband abuses me on the slightest mistake and justifies saying that if u make a mistake continously n repeatedly u deserve to get abused.this is having a very negative impact on my son.please tell me what to do..I want to read ur answer to him.


It is the responsibility of both husband and wife to deal with each other
with respect and sympathy because of the aim of marriage mentioned in Quran
which is to establish and strengthen peace in their hearts and love for
each other. Abusive words or behaviour are not the way of a decent person,
even if the wife does small mistakes. No doubt wife should be careful not
to hurt her husband's feelings or respect and he is responsible to treat
her with fairness and mercy.
If the husband insists on abusive language and bad behaviour, I advise both
of them to seek mediation from a wise person.
In fact, the teachings of the Quran and the Prophet (SAWA) are very clear
to treat the spouse in the best way and the Hadeeth says : Best of you is
the best to his wife and family.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 2790 Tuesday 1st of September 2015


SA Is Oral sex allowed in Islam? Ahsantum


husband and wife are allowed to enjoy themselves between themselves
including what you have mentioned, but they must avoid swallowing Najis
materials e.g. semen.


WABIL - World Ahlulbayt(as) Islamic League, London.