Category: Marriage
Total : 371 Results
Question ID 2105 Monday 24th of November 2014
i convert to muslim by only accept ALLAH i do not do it with witness imam , alone. but before i convert to muslim i have a misterious to solve with 1 of the GOD of hindu so that why when i already convert to muslim still i only talk with that god hindu which i have misterious but my heart is for ALLAH and still after convert to muslim rarely i do salat coz i still on hindu house coz i convert to someone to muslim . now i a muslim or not . 2nd question is that for whom i convert to muslim he cheat on me so now i want to stay muslim but i want to married a non muslim i there any way that i can married him and also stay muslim . now i get to know that muslim cannot do marriage civil but i convert to muslim only by my heart not do any legal paper nothing my name i have not change yet i be muslim only with my heart my soul so can i married with him civil . is there any way that i married with him and stay muslim also .
Mubarak to you for becoming a Muslim. You are now following the pure word
of Allah.
When you discovered the True Religion of Islam and became a Mislim, you
need to follow the teaching of Islam. You are a Muslim as far as you
believe that there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His Messenger. You
must try your best to practice Islam in your life.
You are not allowed to marry non Muslim in any type of marriage even civil
marriage unless the person become a Muslim before marriage.
Question ID 2101 Sunday 23rd of November 2014
Assalamualukum my name is neha,i want to ask a question for my friend. My friend is a shia girl & she love a sunni boy (syed). As they know their parents wont allow their marriage, they did nikah secretly on phone,(at that tym boy was in ashurkhana of hazrath ali & girl was in her home) just keeping Allah hazir saying khubool 3 tyms. They feel they did nikah so they intimate physically. Once she told me this all & i told their nikah is not valid & i told without knowing they are doing zina because how much i know there should be atleast one witness for any nikah.So now they regret & want to do nikah again legally. Let them know they can do nikah again without their parents permission & if yes how they should do ??
Just saying Khubool any number of times does not mean Nikah at all.
They need to have proper Nikah. If she is virgin, she needs the permission
of her father or paternal grand father. If she is not virgin, she perform
the Nikah with him either directly by reciting the proper Arabic wordings
of Nikah, or by some one who knows. Witness is not obligatory but
Mohammad al-Musawi
Question ID 2100 Sunday 23rd of November 2014
i love someone but he is care free never he say true and so on so 1 ask him to do nikkah with me but you already answer that nikkah is not valid in that way and when i knew how nikkah is perform marriage formula to pe recite then i ask him to do it via telehone but still i know i don ot think he will do it recite it with his heart accepte me as his wife but always he used to lie , he said he will married with me . now if he do it in mobile recite but i will not know that if he accept doing nikkah with me with his heart , accept me with his heart intention so then what should i think that nikkah is valid or not. help me iam really confuse . i have convert by only accepting ALLAH and his messenger read all this on internet without imam .
There is no real Nikah unless both man and woman agree full heartedly to
marry each other and recite the proper Nikah mentioning the Mahr (Dowry) .
If the man is reluctant, there is no Nikah. I do not advise you to be with
such man who is sure whether he wants to do proper Nikah with you or not.
Mohammad al-Musawi
Question ID 2096 Friday 21st of November 2014
if someone recite marriage formula everything but not with heart not with his intention he only uttering the word nikkah and so on then is nikkah valid.
Nikah is a marriage agreement which when recited becomes binding to both
husband and wife. Reciting it is binding.
Mohammad al-Musawi
Question ID 2094 Friday 21st of November 2014
Salam, Can a sayed girl marry a khoja boy. If no then give reason
Yes it is allowed for any Momina girl to marry a Momin boy. Emaan is the
criteria for marriage and not any other thing.
Mohammad al-Musawi