Category: Marriage

Total : 371 Results

Question ID 2040 Wednesday 5th of November 2014


salaam u alaykum i need some help and advice, i feel that it is now wajib for me to get married, i have tried not eating to make my desire less but still i have to eat at some point and this doesnt last for long, i end up falling into sin, i have tried looking for a wife, but due to my age and circumstances its seeming very hard, i have also looked for mutah but cannot find anyone, and im reaching a point where i dont want to live much longer if i keep falling into sin which always ends up happening, what can i do ?


If you know that if you do not get married, you will fall in sinful acts,
you must then get married. Marriage is not difficult if you keep trying and
make it simple marriage with out extra expenses. Keep trying to get married
and seek help from Allah (SWT). You may request good people who know you to
There is no question of committing sinful acts even if you not married.
Remember that sinful acts lead to hell-fire which can not be tolerated.
Till you get married, keep on fasting, as fasting makes your urge less.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 2038 Tuesday 4th of November 2014


Asalamualaikum i want to marry a single shia muslim man from Lebanon and i am a sunni lady from Malaysia,we agreed to do mutaah marraige, please tell is it a must for us to be nikah by any recognised iman because we decide to do it in Kuwait.


You can perform Mut'ah marriage between you if you know the Arabic
pronunciation properly, other wise you may seek help from any Shia Shiakh
in Kuwait where you can find hundreds of Shias who can help.
Witness is recommended but not must.
If you are a virgin, you need your father's permission or approval.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 2031 Sunday 2nd of November 2014


Is anal sex is allowed in islam?


Anal sex is very bad and should not be done by descent man. It is totally
prohibited when the wife is in her menstrual cycle period.
If the wife demands anal sex, it remains disliked act, but she should not
be in her menstrual period.
Mohammad al-Musawi

Question ID 2002 Thursday 16th of October 2014


My friend 25 years of age, was a working woman(but her parents were not dependent on her income).She lived with her father and mother.One day suddenly her parents got to know that she had married a Hindu boy, without their consent.She said that it was a nikah after he became muslim.The marriage was disclosed after a year.Is this marriage haram or halal.Now she has left her home and is living with that man.


If the man has become a Muslim before the marriage and still a Muslim, then
Nikah is valid according to many Ulama.
If the man was not a Muslim before the marriage, then it is not Nikah but
fornication and she must leave that man immediately.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 1968 Thursday 2nd of October 2014


As Salamun aleykum WrWB, Is it islamic to wash the feet of the bride on the wedding night and sprinkle in house for barakah. If so please provide reference. As I have heard this without any authentic source. Secondly after Nikah is it better for the groom to see bride first thsn anyone else. If there is any supoorting hadith please attach. Thank you very much. May allah reward you. Wasalam


There is a Hadeeth is Makarim Al-Akhlaq by Al-Tabrasi , page 323, from the
Prophet (SAWA) telling Imam Ali (AS) : When the bride enters your house ,
remove her shoes when she sits and wash her feet.
- غسل رجلي العروس
فقد ورد أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه واله أوصى علياً عليه السلام قائلاً له:
"يا علي، إذا دخلت العروس بيتك، فاخلع خفيها حين تجلس، واغسل رجليها"6.
It is also recommended to sprinkle the water in the house
The Hadeeth states: and pour water from your door till end of your house,

Faqeeh by Shaikh al-Sadooq, vol 3 page 551

صب الماء في الدار
في الرواية السابقة يتابع رسول الله صلى الله عليه واله وصيته للإمام علي عليه
السلام : ".. وصبًّ الماء من باب دارك إلى أقصى دارك؛ فإنك إذا فعلت ذلك أخرج
الله من بيتك سبعين ألف لون من الفقر، وادخل فيها سبعين ألف لون من البركة،
وأنزل عليه سبعين رحمة ترفرف على رأس العروس حتى تنال بركتها كلُّ زاوية في
بيتك.." 7.

6- الطبرسي، الحسن بن الفضل، مكارم الأخلاق، ص 323.
7- الصدوق، محمد بن علي، من لا يحضره الفقيه، ج3، ص551.

> Wassalam

Mohammad al-Musawi

WABIL - World Ahlulbayt(as) Islamic League, London.