Category: Marriage
Total : 371 Results
Question ID 1680 Tuesday 15th of July 2014
Salam When should the mahr(dowry) be given in a muta marriage? Can if be given at anytime or does it have to be given at the saying of marriage formula or at the end when the period ends? wasalam.
Mahr of any marriage being permant or temporary is the right of the wife
and she has the right to take it when ever she wants. She can take it
immediately if she wants, and she can postpone it if she wishes .
Mohammad al-Musawi
Question ID 1669 Monday 14th of July 2014
as salaam alekum Q-1:-i want to ask that in ramdan in roza can I sleep with my wife and kiss her lips and cheks and others parts,and press her body parts, but i am control myself that i will not liquid during this? Q-2:- In ramzan and having myself roza,can I satisfy my wife during roza with fingure?
> Q-1:-i want to ask that in ramdan in roza can I sleep with my wif=
> and kiss her lips and cheks and others parts,and press her body parts, b=
> i am control myself that i will not liquid during this?
=E2=80=8BA1. Yes it is allowed if you are sure that you will not ejaculate,=
deliberate ejaculation spoils the fast and you will be committing a sin of
breaking your fast.=E2=80=8B
> Q-2:- In ramzan and having myself roza,can I satisfy my wife
> during roza with fingure?
> =E2=80=8BA2. It is not allowed for her to reach to orgasm during fasting =
and you
> are also not allowed to make her reach to orgasm during fasting.
=E2=80=8BAny enjoyments with out penetration less =E2=80=8Bthan orgasm is a=
Mohammad al-Musawi
> =E2=80=8B
Question ID 1664 Monday 14th of July 2014
Salam, i am a man whom follows ayatullah sayed sistani, i want to marry (Mutah) a virgin girl whom follows ayatullah sayed Sadeq Rohani, he says that the balegh virgin girl does not need her parents/walis permission in order to get married in a mutah marriage, can i proceed with this without her parents permission as her taqleed says it is not obligatory. wasalaam.
No you can not, because you need to follow your own Marja' of Taqleed.
In any case, no sexual intercourse will be allowed even according to the
Ulama who say that it can be allowed with out her father's consent.
Mohammad al-Musawi
Question ID 1649 Thursday 10th of July 2014
Asak, I have a question as I have been married for past 8 years My husband does not have sexual relationship n takes care of me ,I have to earn my own expenses.can I indulge into mutha ah marriage with another Shia man as I also have desires,instead of committing adultery please advise me
You are a married woman and you are not allowed to have any relationship
with any man but your husband. There is no Mut'ah possible with any man
because Mut'ah is a type of marriage and you are already married. If your
husband does not fulfill his duties towards you, you may seek help from
wise persons who may talk to your husband. You also have a right to seek
help from religious authority ( Haakim of Shariat who is Marje of Taqleed
or his deputy).
If your husband insists on denying your rights, you have the right of
seeking divorce through religious authority. After divorce and passing the
Iddah, you will be then allowed to re marry or to have Mut'ah with another
Mohammad al-Musawi
Question ID 1646 Thursday 10th of July 2014
Salaam alaikum. My question is, when must a wife obey her husband? When is it compulsory for her to do so? I have heard that it is only waajib to obey her husband regarding leaving the house without permission and fulfilling his sexual desires unless she has an excuse, and apart from this it is not waajib to obey any other orders. But we read so many Hadith which seem to suggest that she should obey for all halal things in general, like the following: "Imam al-Baqir (p) says that once a lady inquired from the Holy Prophet (p) regarding the rights a husband enjoys over his wife. He (p) said, ‘First and foremost is that she should obey him and refrain from disobedience….’” (Makaremul Akhlaq) “Imam as-Sadiq (p) stated: 'Any woman who bothers her husband and distresses him is distant from the blessings of Allah and any woman who respects her husband, is obedient and does not cause him sorrow, is blessed and prosperous'." (Bihar al-Anwar, vol 103, p 253) And there are other Hadith which are even more strict which you know much better than I do. So is it waajib before Allah (swt) that she should obey her husband for simple day-to-day matters? I understand that she is not compelled to do the household chores, but apart from this, does she have to obey him regarding general everyday things? Or is it true she is only required to obey her husband regarding leaving the the house and fulfilling his sexual desires, and no other order or request is waajib on her to perform? Thank you, was salaam.
Wife must obey her husband in any matter which is related to him or to
their family life, provided he does not order her to do any unlawful act.
Mohammad al-Musawi