Category: Marriage

Total : 371 Results

Question ID 874 Saturday 23rd of November 2013


Salaam Syed, Please help me I am in great worry in my life, I am a follower and great lover of Ahul Bayt. My wife is Sunni, I am coming closer to bringing her to the real Islam can you tell me where is sunni books where it is written to pray with our arms on the side. Salaam Syed.


Salamun Alaykum wr wb
There is no even one authentic Hadeeth among in Sunni books claiming that
the Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) had folded his hands in the Salat. The only
Hadeeth which is narrated during the time of Umar government, from Sahl Ibn
Sa'd says that (People were been ordered to fold their hands) which is
clear that the order was from the government of Umar after he liked this
after meeting the prisoners who were brought from Persia. Folding hands is
a habit of Zoroastrians and Yahood in their worship.

Ibn Abi Shaibah was the teacher of Bukhari and he has stated in his book
(AlMusannaf) that many of Sahaba and who followed them did not fold their
hands during Salat like Abdullah Ibn Zubair and Sa'eed Ibn Al Musayyab,
Sa'eed Ibn Jubair and alHasan alBasri and Ibraheem. Al Layth Ibn Sa'd and
Ibn Seereen were also praying with open hands.(Al-Nawawi , Al Majmoo'
The Maliki sect denied folding hands in obligatory Salat (Al-Modawwana
al-Kubra 1:76) , Bidayatul Mujtahid by Ibn Roshd 1:136 ,
Allayth Ibn Sa'd says that it is recommended to open hands during Salat
(Fath al-Baari Fi Sharh Saheeh Al-Bukhari 1:266.

Mohammad al-Musawi

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Question ID 869 Friday 22nd of November 2013


Salam sayyid, I am currently in a situation where the guy I want to marry is unable to marry me due to certain circumstances, my parents are happy with the prospect of me marrying him - in the interim can I conduct a mutah nikah to become his temp wife?


Virgin girl needs the approval of her father or paternal grand father for
her marriage whether permanent or temporary marriage. Even if your father
agrees on Mut'ah , my advice to you that you should not go for sexual
intercourse before having permanent marriage.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 865 Wednesday 20th of November 2013


Salam A muslim lady is married in a civil way only. Please note she has not performed an Islamic marriage of Nika. This is obviously haram because she is only married in a western civil way and has no Nika. My question is: can a muslim man marry this same lady or does she have to wait to get her civil marriage divorce. Please note this muslim woman has been separated for over a year now as well.


This woman needs Talaq from her husband because she thought herself
married. This is a precaution. She can re marry after the Talaq and the
Iddah are over.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 850 Saturday 16th of November 2013


can a married women have mutta without taking her husband's permission?


It is absolutely forbidden for married woman to have any relation with any
other man but her husband. As it is absolutely forbidden for a married
woman to get married to another man while she is still married to her
husband, Mut'a is also a type of marriage which is absolutely forbidden
while woman is already married.
Mohammad al-Musawi

Question ID 776 Saturday 28th of September 2013


Salam alaikum Sayed Moosawi People say that the night of the nikkah is very auspicious.The bride and groom do some amal and the groom has to wash the brides feet. But in some communities the parents of the bride take her back to their house after the nikkah.And than the next day they have a reception and than give the hand of their daughter to the in-laws.So in this situation the bride and groom will be doing their amals not on their actuall nikkah night.Are they being deprived of the sawab or is this also okay. Thank you


Such custom ( in some communities the parents of the bride take her back
to their house after the Nikah and on the next day they have a reception
and then give the hand of their daughter to the in-laws ) is wrong because
it delays the bride and the groom to be together as husband and wife which
is in fact their right.
The recommended Amaal (deeds) which you mentioned are not obligatory but
just Mustahab and they are recommended to be performed on the night of
wedding when the bride and groom are together for the first time. It
remains recommended even if the wedding is delayed.
Mohammad al-Musawi


WABIL - World Ahlulbayt(as) Islamic League, London.