Category: Non Shia Q&A

Total : 26 Results

Question ID 725 Monday 2nd of September 2013


As we know that parents duas for children are one of the best, what if your parent is Sunni, do their duas for you are still accepted? And can you ask them to make dua for you?


Yes, any parents' Dua is very useful for their children, no matter what is
their faith, as far as the Du'a is for the good of their children.
Mohammad al-Musawi

On Sun, Sep 1, 2013 at 10:02 PM, Suhaila Reply-To: <> wrote:

> Mr/Mrs Suhaila
> posted a new question on wabil website, the details are below...
> Category : Non Shia Q&A
> Question : As we know that parents duas for children are one of the
> best, what if your parent is Sunni, do their duas for you are still
> accepted? And can you ask them to make dua for you?

Question ID 714 Tuesday 27th of August 2013


As salam alaykum. I am sorry, I didn't know which category this question would go in, so forgive me if I chose wrong. My question is, I am a recent covert to Shia Islam from Sunnism. I wish to know if the marriage I contracted as a sunni last year, and if the prayers I prayed as a sunni, are still valid.


Your marriage is valid and your previous Prayers are also valid. You must st=
art performing the proper Prayers after knowing the Real Islam of the Prophe=
t (SAWA) and Ahlul Bayt (AS).
Mohammad al-Musawi=

Question ID 627 Friday 26th of July 2013


the ill treatment that umar did with Bibi fatema because of which she lost her baby mohsin n consequently died can you please give refrence from sunni books specally from muslim and bukhari please give hades number in english please give as much as possible. need for debate as urgent as possible.god bless you and help you in your work and me he grant us all Success?thank you


section requires
expansion ouse&action=3Dedit>
.*(January 2009)*

According to the sources, following the death of
, Abu Bakr and
Umar attempted
to gain the *shura* (consensus) of the community that Abu
Bakr should
become the *caliph* (leader) over the Islamic *ummah* (community).
According to Shi'a sources, as Ali
attended the funeral of Muhammad, Abu Bakr and Umar attained the consensus
of the community. As Ali was burying Muhammad, he learned that Abu Bakr had
attained communal consensus. Fatimah, Ali, and their supporters maintained
that Ali should be the leader over the Islamic community because of
Muhammad's statement at Ghadir
.[1] [2=

Veccia Vaglieri in her
article *Fatima*, in the *Encyclopedia of
* chronicles the event as such: "Fatima, a timid woman who had never taken
part in political matters, found herself indirectly involved in some of the
events which followed the death of the Prophet. After his election, Abu
Bakr made his way with some companions towards Fatima's house, where a
number of Ansar and of Ali's supporters had assembled. The newly-elected
Khalifa wanted to obtain the
homage of these dissidents also, but Ali went forward to meet him with
sword drawn, and Fatima, when her husband had been disarmed by Umar and the
party was preparing to enter the house, raised such cries and threatened so
boldly to uncover her hair that Abu Bakr preferred to
withdraw.[3] te-3>
are other accounts of the same episode: Fatima saw in Umar's hand a brand,
and asked him if he intended to set fire to her door because of his
hostility to her.[4] #cite_note-4>
one book, al-Imama wa 'l-siyasa (which is certainly very early, even though
the attribution to Ibn Qutayba is wrong), the episode is related with more
serious details: Umar really had evil intentions; he had wood brought and
threatened to burn the house with everything in it. When he was asked,
"Even if Fatimah is there?", he replied in the affirmative. Then those who
were in the house came out and rendered the homage demanded=E2=8E=AFexcept =
for Ali.
Fatimah, appearing at the door, reproached them: "You have left the body of
the Apostle of God with us and you have decided among yourselves without
consulting us, without respecting our rights!" When Abu Bakr and Umar
repeated their attempts to make Ali comply, she is said to have cried out,
"O father! O Apostle of God! What evils we have suffered at the hands of
Umar and Abu Bakr after your death!" Veccia Vaglieri latter adds: "We have
spent some time on these episodes because even if they have been expanded
by invented details, they are based on fact."

According to Denise L. Soufi:

((...traditions discussing her involvement in the events which took place
after the death of the Prophet seem to contain some truth despite their
partisan biases. This is due to the fact that the Sunnis were unable to
completely suppress what was so obviously detrimental to their
reconstruction of religious history: namely, that Fatima quarreled with abu
Bakr over his seizure of the caliphate and the Prophet's properties, that
she never forgave hime for his actions and that ther death was kept secret
for some time, probably at her request, in order to prevent him from
presiding over her funeral rites. What is ironic is that this small window
into the character of Fatima has been downplayed or ignored by Sunnis and
inflated and overemphasized by Shiis...))

Tabari cites Abu Bakr on his deathbed saying that he wished he had never
opened Fatima's house to anything, even though they had locked it as a
gesture of defiance, implying that her house may have been broken into
forced open.[6] _note-6>

Edward Gibbon in his *Decline
and Fall of the Roman Empire* state: After the simple inauguration of
Abubeker, he was obeyed in Medina, Mecca, and the provinces of Arabia: the
Hashemites alone declined the oath of fidelity; and their chief, in his own
house, maintained, above six months, a sullen and independent reserve;
without listening to the *threats of Omar*, who attempted to consume with *
fire* the habitation of the daughter of the
apostle.[7] e-7>
Historical SourcesIbn Abi Shayba

Ibn Abi Shayba ction=3Dedit&redlink=3D1>
AH/ 849 CE), a prominent scholar of
hadith and
one of the teachers of
narrates in his book *al-Musanaf*that:
=E2=80=9CUmar came to the house of Fatima and said: "O' Daughter of the Pro=
phet of
God! I swear by God that we love no one more than your father, and after
him we love no one more than you. Yet I swear by God that that won't stop
me from gathering these people and commanding them to burn this house down!
[8] =E2=

Ibn Qutaybah (276 AH/889 CE) in
*al-Imama wa al-Siyasa* writes:
=E2=80=9CUmar said: 'I swear by He who controls the life of Umar, either yo=
u come
out or I will burn this house down!' The people said: 'Abu'l Hafs, Fatima
is also in this house'. Umar replied: 'Even if she
is...'[9] 9>

al-Baladhuri (2=
AH/ 892 CE) in *Ansab al-Ashraf* writes:
=E2=80=9C"Abu Bakr sent for Ali so that he can give alligance but he didn't=
. So
Umar came [to the house] and Fatima met him at the door. She said: 'ibn
Khatab you want to burn my door down?' Umar replied: 'Yes, in order to
strengthen the religion your father
brought.'[10] ote-10>
=E2=80=9DHistory of al-Tabari

The historian Muhammad ibn Jarir
CE) in his Tarikh Kings>
=E2=80=9CUmar Ibn al-Khattab came to the house of Ali.
and Zubayr and some of the
immigrants were
also in the house. Umar cried out: "By God, either you come out to render
the oath of allegiance, or I will set the house on fire." al-Zubair came
out with his sword drawn. As he stumbled (upon something), the sword fell
from his hand so they jumped over him and seized him."=E2=80=9D

=E2=80=94al-Tabari ri>, *
Tarikh *

The translator=E2=80=99s commentary on this event provides the following ba=

*=E2=80=9CAlthough the timing of the events is not clear, it seems that =E2=
=80=98Ali and
his group came to know about the Saqifah after what had happened there. At
this point, his supporters gathered in Fatima=E2=80=99s house. Abu Bakr and=
fully aware of =E2=80=98Ali=E2=80=99s claims and fearing a serious threat f=
rom his
supporters, summoned him to the mosque to swear the oath of allegiance.
=E2=80=98Ali refused, and so the house was surrounded by an armed band led =
by Abu
Bakr and Umar, who threatened to set it on fire if =E2=80=98Ali and his sup=
refused to come out and swear allegiance to Abu Bakr. The scene grew
violent and Fatima was
furious."[12] ote-12>

Sulaym b. Qays

The book Kitab Sulaym b. Qays al-Hilali, which was written by a companion
of 'Ali.[13] te-13>
describes 'Umar's attack, and describes how Fatimah, the daughter of
Prophet Muhammad , was injured, and
allegedly beaten, in the attack, resulting in her
miscarriage.[14] e_note-14>

The book Ithb=C4=81t al-Wa=E1=B9=A3=C4=AByyah, composed in the third Islami=
c century[*citation
needed *], is
attributed to the historian
but this is highly doubted.[*citation

The author writes:
=E2=80=9CThey attacked [Ali], burned his door and took him out by force and=
[Fatima] against the door until she miscarried Muhsin.=E2=80=9D

He also writes:
=E2=80=9CWhile addressing the people Abu Bakr said: =E2=80=9C=E2=80=A6of th=
e three mistakes that I
committed, one of them is that during my time Fatima's house was broken
into..=E2=80=9D[15] cite_note-15>
=E2=80=9DIbn Abd Rabboh

Ibn Abed Rabboh , in his book
*Al-Iqd ul-Fareed*,[16] use#cite_note-16>
=E2=80=9CAs for Ali, Abbas =
Zubair, they stayed in the house of Fatima until Abu Bakr sent Umar to get
them out of Fatima's house and told him: if they refuse, fight them. He
took a torch to burn the house and Fatima met him and told him: are you
here to burn our house? He said: yes, or you enter what the Ummah has
entered (i.e swear allegiance).=E2=80=9DTarikh al-Ya=E2=80=99qoubi=E2=80=9C=
=E2=80=9C..When Abu Bakr and
Umar heard the news that a party of the Ansar and the Muhajirin have
gathered with =E2=80=98Ali at the house of the daughter of the Prophet, the=
y went
with a group of people and attacked the
house=E2=80=A6=E2=80=9D[17] s_house#cite_note-17>

Al-Shahrastani d. 1153 CE,
documents in his book *Al-Milal wa

That a troublesome theologian called al-Na=E1=BA=93=E1=BA=93=C4=81m (d. 231=
AH) "increased his
lying deception" and said:
=E2=80=9CUmar kicked Fatima's stomach on the day of allegiance until she mi=
and he yelled: "Burn her house and whoever is in it" and in it were Ali,
Fatima, al-Hasan and
Ref: Wikipedia=E2=80=9D


Question ID 528 Wednesday 12th of June 2013


Salam aleikum, i am a muslim from Morocco and i am in great doubt. I have found many good things in both shia and sunni islam as well as corruptions in them. I have visited sunni imams as well as shii mullahs who contradict each other and i receive no peace from them in my search. Last time this almost caused a riot between a sunni and shia mosque because i visited both mosques and the prayer leaders of each mosque would call the other a kafir or jahil every time they saw me Because of these things and my fear of allah, i have decided to abandon visiting the ulamah and i no longer take fatawa based on hadith I have tried searching the internet, but there is too much conflicting information, too much sources that accuse each other of lies. I tried having debate with friends who do not seem to have my issue, but they too will fight among each other if i raise an issue they can't agree on I tried talking to my father but it seems he is in between wahabbi and sunni doctrine, it is hard to discuss with him because he hates shia i feel i have run out of options. If you are able, can you advise me? I do not know what i can do to find truth. Every time someone advises me, there is another who will call the first one a liar and give me proofs and different advise


The way to the Truth does involve hardships and Paradise can not be gained w=
ith out hard efforts. You were born in a Sunni family, but that does not mea=
n that your fathers and fore father's faith is the best faith. You need to s=
earch for the Truth with out any any influence from your surroundings. Your k=
nowledge about Sunni sects is obviously more than what you know about Shia I=
slam, but that should make look down to Shia Islam or doubt it's facts.
Shia is Islam and Sunni Islam have main issues of deference which you need t=
o research and look of real evidences. They are as follows:
First: Divine leadership of Islam after the divine leadership of the Prophet=
(SAWA): Shia Muslim sbelieve that the Prophet did not leave the Muslim Umma=
h with out informing them about the system of divine leadership after him fo=
r the future of the Ummah. They are the holy progeny Ahlul Bayt (AS), while S=
unni Muslims claim that the Prophet left his Ummah with out clear guidelines=
about the system of leadership after him, that is why you find the way of b=
ecoming Khalifa is different in the case of Abu Bakr and Umar and Othman and=
Mu'awiyah and all those who followed.
Shia Muslimsbhavevthousands of evidences from Quran and authentic Sunnah to p=
rove that the Prophet did inform the Ummah about the system of divine leader=
ship after him.
Second: from where we can get the authentic Sunnah of the Prophet (SAWA) and=
real meanings of Quran: the Shia Muslim sbelieve that Ahlul Bayt are the mo=
st authentic source for real Sunnah and the Prophetic Tafseer of Quran, whil=
e Sunni Muslims take from different persons.
I advise you to read these books carefully and think about their evidences:?=
Then I was Guided =D8=AB=D9=85 =D8=A7=D9=87=D8=AA=D8=AF=D9=8A=D8=AA by Dr Ti=
jani Smawi, The Right Path =D8=A7=D9=84=D9=85=D8=B1=D8=A7=D8=AC=D8=B9=D8=A7=D8=
=AA by Sharafuddin , =D8=A7=D9=84=D8=AD=D9=82=D9=8A=D9=82=D8=A9 =D8=A7=D9=84=
=D8=B6=D8=A7=D8=A6=D8=B9=D8=A9 =D9=84=D9=84=D8=B4=D9=8A=D8=AE =D9=85=D8=B9=D8=
=AA=D8=B5=D9=85 =D8=B3=D9=8A=D8=AF =D8=A3=D8=AD=D9=85=D8=AF
After reading these books , you may write to me if you have any questions.
If you read Arabic, you may visit and
May Allah (SWT) guide you to the right path.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 516 Saturday 8th of June 2013


What beliefs does someone have to have to be classified as a Shia? I have a sunni friend who believes Imam Ali (a.s) was most knowledgeable and qualified to be the kalifah than abu bakr.


Shia Muslim who believes that Imam Ali (AS) is the first real successor of the Prophet (SAWA) and then the Infallible Imams after him. The faith in The Twelve Imams being the real successors of the Prophet (SAWA) is the foundation of the faith of Shia Islam. No doubt, Shia Islam is based on the belief of all the message of the Prophet Mohammad (SAWA).
Mohammad al-Musawi

WABIL - World Ahlulbayt(as) Islamic League, London.