Category: Food & Drinks
Total : 107 Results
Question ID 2076 Sunday 16th of November 2014
ASA Syed, Are there any Ayat in quran which refer not to eat food which is touched by wetnessfrom Hindu( or anyone who does shirk) Please give some referance that will be highly appreciated. Wasalam.
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آَمَنُوا إِنَّمَا الْمُشْرِكُونَ نَجَسٌ [التوبة/28]
Sura Tauba, Verse 28
(Surely, Mushriks are Najas).
Food or drink touched with wetness by Najas becomes Najis and it is not
allowed to consume Najis food or drink.
Mohammad al-Musawi
Question ID 1998 Tuesday 14th of October 2014
Salam alaikum Sayed Musawi At a jashan there was a cake decorated with a picture of Kaba on it.The cake was than of course cut in pieces and eaten by the people.Is this okay or should this be avoided since it is a picture of a holy place. Thank you
It is not Haram to do that as far as there is no intended insult to the
Holy Kaba. If some people think that it is a sort of insult than it is
better to avoid it.
Mohammed Al-Musawi
Question ID 1898 Wednesday 3rd of September 2014
Salaam Alaykum Syed, I have two questions to ask. 1) Can you please send me all the E colours that we are not allowed to eat. 2) can you please send me a list of Israeli products and companies that we need to avoid. Jazakallah
There are specialized sites dealing with such matters. You may refer to
such websites.
Question ID 1826 Friday 8th of August 2014
Is it allowed to kill a bird for exaample duck,chicken,or any bird which is not able to catch with bare hands by the gun by saying BISMILLAHE ALLAHO AKBAR.
Yes it is allowed for eating purpose.
Question ID 1812 Monday 4th of August 2014
Asalamun Alaykum, I wanted to know are we allowed to sell non-halal meat to non-muslims? Thank you
Many of Ulama say that it is allowed to sell non Halal food to non Muslims
who do not care for Halal issue but it should Not contain Pork or alcohol.
Mohammad al-Musawi