Category: Food & Drinks

Total : 107 Results

Question ID 1148 Friday 14th of February 2014


assalahe mualaikum pls I am living in the area with non musilum and where to get food during day time ,is allowed for me to eat they food , because they are the ones that preparing it .and they used to touch it with they hands ?


It is not allowed (Haraam) to eat Najis food, no matter where and with whom
you live.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1137 Tuesday 11th of February 2014


Assalam Alaikum. Can you tell me if we can eat Cheese made using calf rennet? As it is an enzyme added to the milk in cheese production, is it halaal for us as it is not meat as such but a secretion. Thank you


The rennet taken from non Halal animal is Najis and the cheese made from
such rennet is not allowed to eat. This is according to Ayatullah Sistani
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 999 Thursday 2nd of January 2014


Salam.. Accept non vegs Can we have food in non muslim resturant? Food like pure veg?


Veg food for eating must also be Taahir means not touched with wetness by a
person who is not Taahir. If the way of cooking or preparing the food by
them is by using clean and Taahir gloves or with out direct touching, it
can be taken as Taahir.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 975 Thursday 26th of December 2013


As-Salamu A'laikum Sayyidna, You previously mentioned that red/white wine vinegar is halal due to transformation, however manufacturers of these products in the West state that the final vinegar sold in stores still contains alcohol (possibly from untransformed wine). Will this vinegar still be considered halal? Thank you.


Every type of vinegar is Halal.
Mohammad al-Musawi

Question ID 904 Tuesday 3rd of December 2013


Salam Alaikom. What are the list of Halal Meat Companies in the UK?


We do not have a list for Halal meat companies and the number might go up
and down, so, you need to verify yourself.


WABIL - World Ahlulbayt(as) Islamic League, London.