Category: Womens Issues

Total : 91 Results

Question ID 2846 Friday 2nd of October 2015


Salam can i perform ziarat at karbala during my menstrual cycle ?


Yes you can but with out entering inside the Shrine ( Haram). You can
perform Ziyarat from the courtyard ( Sahan).
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 2813 Saturday 12th of September 2015


Salaam Alaikum Maulana Musawi-Thank you for your reply in previous question -What is the amount of Kaffara as a matter of interest if knowingly intercourse was done whilst spouse in her menstrual cycle. Although the above is not the case but for information only. Ahsant


If this sin was done deliberately by the husband knowing that the wife is
in her menstrual cycle bleeding, the Kaffara will be one Dinar of gold (
about 4.5 gm) if the sin took place in the beginning third of the days of
the period, and half of Dinar of gold if it was done in the middle I.e. The
second third of the days of the period, and one quarter of Dinar of gold if
it was done in the last third of the days of the menstrual.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 2810 Thursday 10th of September 2015


Salaam Alaikum Mawlana Musawi..Question-My Wife nearing her end of period and wanting to provide herself to me checked herself and had Ghusal with no evidence of further blood...having completed the realtionship with her -it was noticed slight smear of blood ...we are concerned whether Kafarra is due and if so please advice -Ahsant and jazakallah khair inshallah -May Allah swt reward you amply for this assistance.


If intercourse was done with your wife knowing that she is in her menstrual
cycle, Kaffara will be obligatory. If you did not know, then there is no
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 2802 Saturday 5th of September 2015


salamun alykum can a woman touch the holy Quran during her mensuration periods iltimas e dua wassalam


Yes she is allowed to touch the cover or frame but not the Quranic text.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 2727 Friday 31st of July 2015


Asa If female circumcision is allowed than how does the not seeing private part of another female work. And is one lady allowed to wax another lady in her private parts


No female circumcision in Islam. No female is allowed to touch or look at
the private part of another female.


WABIL - World Ahlulbayt(as) Islamic League, London.