Category: Salat
Total : 298 Results
Question ID 5922 Sunday 4th of June 2023
Asalam alaikum, my question is can you read Fajr qadha anytime of the day? Or does it have to be before 10am? Or after Isha? Different people say different things.
Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
Yes, you can perform Qadha Nama any time.
Question ID 5898 Saturday 8th of April 2023
If a person says azaan in a mosque most of the days and people considers him muazzin of the mosque but he is not a deputed muazzin by anybody. Can we say azaan for congregational prayers while that person is present in mosque, without asking his permission to say azaan? Because some people who say often azaan in local mosques in Lucknow city, they claim that we must take their permission before saying azaan as they have right only to say azaan in that mosque since they say azaan most of the days in a month otherwise it will be a great sin and our azaan will become invalid. So please clarify whether we need their permission as an obligation act Or else if we say azaan without asking them, would our azaan will become invalid?? Jazak Allah Khair.
Azaan is Mustahabb for everyone and it does need permission.
Question ID 5896 Friday 7th of April 2023
If a person says azaan in a mosque most of the days and people considers him muazzin of the mosque but he is not a deputed muazzin by anybody. Do we need his permission to say the azaan in that mosque for congregational prayer? What if we say the azaan without his permission, would the azaan become invalid and would it be considered as a sin? Thanks.
No need for permission to say Azaan as saying Azaan is always recommended
for everyone.
Question ID 5887 Monday 3rd of April 2023
Salaam Alaikum If your child picks up your Turba while you are praying what should you do? Do Sajda on your nails or stop your salat get another turba and start again.Also can we perform Sajda on Tissue paper? Thank you
Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
It is not permissible to prostrate on your nails because they are part of
your body. You can prostrate on a piece of paper, wood or tissue. You also
can move slightly to bring back the Turbah but you must keep facing the
Qiblah at all times during your Salat.
Question ID 5853 Tuesday 7th of March 2023
Is there any ruling regarding doing a prostration on a Turbah which has the names of the Ahlulbayt a.s on it ?
> Question : Is there any ruling regarding doing a prostration on a
> Turbah which has the names of the Ahlulbayt a.s on it ?
> Answer:
It is permissible.