Category: Salat
Total : 298 Results
Question ID 390 Wednesday 27th of March 2013
While offering wajib Salat is it WAJIB according to all maraje to recite another full surah after sura al-hamd
Yes it is obligatory to recite a full Sura after Sura Al Hamd in the first
and second Rak'ats of obligatory Prayers.
Mohammad al-Musawi
Question ID 382 Saturday 23rd of March 2013
As-Salamu Alaikum, could you please provide the references from ahadith (e.g. Al-Kafi) which indicate that a full Surah must be recited after Surat Al-Fatiha in the 1st and 2nd raka' in the wajib prayers? Thank you, may Allah (ST) bless you.
We have many authentic narrations in many of our books regarding reciting a
full Sura after Al Hamd in obligatory Prayer e.g. 1. Narration from Mansour
Bin Hazim that Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq (AS) said: Do not recite in the
obligatory Prayer less than a Sura nor more.( Wasa'el al-Shia 4:736)
2. Narration from Yahya Ibn Imran al-Hamadani that he wrote to Imam Abi
Jafar (AS) asking a bout a person who recited Al hamd in obligatory Prayer
then did not recite a Sura? Imam (AS) replied in his own hand writing : He
must repeat his Prayer twice.(Wasa'el al-Shia 4:767).
In many of our Shia books (Al Ghunia 495, Al-Intisar 44 and Al-Waseela 93),
it is said that reciting full Sura after Al Hamd is in consensus among our
Mohammad al-Musawi
Question ID 360 Tuesday 5th of March 2013
Salam. Can you give me a link or site for advance salat, aside from this link ? Sukran and Wassalam...
Question ID 340 Friday 22nd of February 2013
Salam. This is only a followup question for Question ID 339 - Salat. If I will combined dhuhur and asar prayer as well as maghrib and isa prayer, how may rakat's should I do, for dhuhur and asar; and maghrib and isa prayer? Sukran
The number of Rak'ats remains the same ; 4 for Dhuhr , then after Dhuhr , 4 R=
ak'ats for Asr. Maghrib is 3 Rak'ats then Isha is 4 .
Mohammad al-Musawi
Question ID 339 Friday 22nd of February 2013
Salam Can I always combined the salat Dhuhur and Asar; Maghrib and Isah? How many rakat's for Dhuhur and Asar; Maghrib and Isa if I will combined them? The Quran mentioned only prayers on "come up with the evening"; "enter in the morning"; and "afternoon". Quran 30:17 and Quran 33:42 Is it obligatory to perform 5 times prayers, when the Quran mentioned only those particular time? Sukran.
Yes, the Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) did pray in Madina Dhuhr then Asr immediate=
ly, and Maghrib then Isha immediately . He said : I am joining the prayers t=
o avoid putting burdon on my umma. We are allowed to join Dhuhr and Asr and a=
lso Maghrib and Isha, as well as to separate them. We have five daily obliga=
tory prayers to be performed in three timings : Dhuhr ( for Dhuhr then Asr) ,=
beginning of night ( for Maghrib then Isha) and Fajr, as we read in Quran (=
Sura al-Esraa' 78 and Sura Hood 114.
Mohammad al-Musawi