Category: Marriage

Total : 371 Results

Question ID 2496 Saturday 9th of May 2015


mutah with ahle Kitab is permission of father needed.


If you are married to a Muslim woman, you need your wife's permission to do
a Mut'ah with Ahle Kitab woman.
If she is not virgin, she does not need her father's permission.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 2478 Saturday 2nd of May 2015


Salam Alikoum, Is it permissible to meet, and go out for lunch or casual outing with my fiancé. We were engaged with family consent, but a shari contract has not been performed yet. Regards & Prayers


With out Shar'ee frame like Aqd ( temporary marriage agreement
recited) your fianc=C3=A9 is non Mahram for you and you are not allowed see=
her with out Hijab. You may agree with her for an Aqd, then you will be
allowed to talk and go out with her.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 2477 Saturday 2nd of May 2015


SA.. I want my wife to fall in love with me again and be obedient. One major unfortunate incident made her drift away from me and now she is with me just on formality basis because of our kid, and no love in her heart for me. I have known that YA WADOODO is an effective vird to achieve the same but do not know the procedure how to do it. I searched internet and have found a procedure as mentioned below: 11days recite YA WADOODO FOR 12500 times and on the 11th day after reciting the same, blow it on a glass of water and this will result in wife falling in love once again and will be faithful. Is this a valid way, as there is no reference of this on the website I found it on. I want a shia alim to give me the correct way to get my wife back in my life as I am prepared to make all efforts required. JAZAKALLAH


Just repeat sincerely ( YA WADOODU YA WADOODU) as many times as you can.
Let it come out from your heart and not from your tongue only.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 2464 Monday 27th of April 2015


Assalamun Alaykum Agha ! Can I use vibrator to please my wife in oral sex activity? Vibrator is a electronic device which comes in a shape of men penis.


Use your own body to please your wife.

Question ID 2440 Wednesday 22nd of April 2015


assalamu alaikum sir i have a problem,when i have sex with my wife she feel pain .so what is the solution for that problem plz tell me .i am feeling very same-full but i need to know about plz tell me soluion.


You need to see a doctor to check whether it is medical problem or not. If
there is medical problem, then you need to focus on foreplay.
There are many Hadeeths that husband should have enough foreplay with his
wife to prepare her for sexual intercourse and never have sex with her
before enough foreplay.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

WABIL - World Ahlulbayt(as) Islamic League, London.