Category: Marriage

Total : 371 Results

Question ID 1504 Saturday 14th of June 2014


Does a man need permission of permanent wife who he has kids with n living with happily and all his needs r being fulfilled before doing Mutah for the purpose of chatting to and sending nude pictures to another woman? Also following sistani if there was no mahr stated in the Mutah and none was asked for or given is the Mutah valid?


Muslim married man is not allowed to do Mut'ah with woman from people of
book (Ahlul Kitab) with out the permission of his Muslim wife.
There is no Mut'ah marriage nor permanent marriage with out Mahr.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1492 Wednesday 11th of June 2014


im 28 my parents want me to get married. but i dont feel like getting married i dont get sexually attracted to females. i dont get an erection for the females. what should i do? i feel i would do zulum on that girl if i marry her. i cant do that.


Marriage is the act and Sunnah of the Prophet (SAWA) and his holy Progeny
Ahlul Bayt (AS).
You may seek a medical advise.
Go for marriage as soon as possible and obey your parents who are asking
for a blessed act encouraged by the Prophet (SAWA).
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1488 Wednesday 11th of June 2014


Alsalaamu alaykum. I am in a dilemma and wanted to seek the counsel of our scholars regarding marriage. I'm not too sure whether to marry a non Muslim lady who is willing to convert and join the religion of Islam or to wait and carry on looking for a fellow Muslima of our Shia to marry. Is there a greater fawaab (reward) in marrying someone who because of such marriage gets introduce to and join the religion of Islam? Wal salaamu alaykom


You must be sure that she will be really become a Muslim and remain Muslim.
Many cases have failed to achieve the promises, so you have to be sure.
If you are nor sure, then go for marrying and Muslim female to ensure your
future and the future of your children.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1484 Tuesday 10th of June 2014


Alsalaamu Alakum I have a question regarding mutah marriage to a Christian woman. She is a non practicing Christian however she believes in the Oneness of God (swt). Before I met her she had a boyfriend and as with many western boyfriend-girlfriend relationship there was intercourse between them. My question is: 1) would she be considered as one of the fornicators mentioned in the holy Quran in verse 24:3? 2) is it permissible for me to undergo mutah marriage with her? Wa alsalaamu alakum wa rah at Allah wa barakatuh.


It is allowed to do Mut'ah marriage with Christian woman but you need
permission of your Muslim wife if you have a wife.
Mohammad al-Musawi

Question ID 1479 Sunday 8th of June 2014


salam. what is mutah please describe precisely


Mut'ah marriage is an Islamic marriage which has most of the conditions of
permanent marriage, but has time fixed for the marriage agreed by man and
woman, and it does not have inheritance between them, nor financial
responsibility of expenses on the man for the woman unless agreed in the
agreement. Woman has the right of dowry ( MAHR) in Mut'ah marriage just
like permanent marriage.
More details can be found in or You
may also search in this site for more details.
Mohammad al-Musawi


WABIL - World Ahlulbayt(as) Islamic League, London.