Category: Taqleed
Total : 32 Results
Question ID 3374 Tuesday 7th of June 2016
Salamu alaykum. There is someone who taqleed of Sayid Sistani in all matters apart from in establishing the beginning and end of the month of Ramadhan. In this latter matter they do taqleed of Sayid Kamal alhaidery. However this is only because their dad told them to. They want to change taqlid and follow Sayid Sistani in all matters including establishing the start/end of the month. Is it okay for them to do this?
Yes it is the right way to act on the verdicts of the most learned who is
Ayatullah Sistani.
On Tuesday, 7 June 2016, Montathar> wrote:
> Mr/Mrs Montathar
> posted a new question on wabil website, the details are below...
> Category : Taqleed
> Question : Salamu alaykum. There is someone who taqleed of Sayid
> Sistani in all matters apart from in establishing the beginning and end of
> the month of Ramadhan. In this latter matter they do taqleed of Sayid
> Kamal alhaidery. However this is only because their dad told them to.
> They want to change taqlid and follow Sayid Sistani in all matters
> including establishing the start/end of the month. Is it okay for them to
> do this?
Question ID 2437 Saturday 18th of April 2015
Someone told me that if you believe in the concept of wali e faqih you cannot do taqleed of Ayatollah Sistani since he does not believe in the concept of wali e faqih is this true
What he told you is wrong.
Question ID 2401 Sunday 29th of March 2015
Salaamun alaikum It is necessary to recite seega e wakf for creating wakf of any property or only to perform Niyat is essential or it is necessary to be have the declaration in writing Wasallam it Mohammed
Waqf does not need Seegha or declaration but just Niyyat and using it in
the proposed matter is enough. It does not need to be in writing as well.
Mohammad Al-Musawi
Question ID 2379 Friday 20th of March 2015
I am in the taqleed of ayatolla sistani. I am trying to send the question to ayatolla sistani but its not getting sent. So please give me all the websites and email ids where i could contact ayatolla sistani
Question ID 2367 Sunday 15th of March 2015
When we ask an ahle kibra about who is the alam they all give different names about the alam in this case what should a person do?
Real Ahl e Khibra should be referred to and not any Molvi.
Two highly calibered Ahl e Khibra are enough to give witness.
Mohammad al-Musawi