Category: Miscellaneous

Total : 512 Results

Question ID 2659 Tuesday 7th of July 2015


Salam un alike 1- Which Dua/Surah do we recite at the grave of a dead person 2- Is there a Book i can purchace with short Duas? for Meals/for awakening and sleeping/Travelling ? thankyou 3- Which Surah do Qaris recite at a Khatm e Quran ?


> 1- Which Dua/Surah do we recite at the grave of a dead person
> ​A1. Sura Al-Hamd, Sura Tawheed, Sura Qadr, Surah Yaseen and any other
> Quranic Sura. ​
Dua When Visiting Graveyard Imam `Ali (a.s), is reported to have said that
whoever enters a graveyard and says the following words, Almighty Allah
(s.w.t) will grant him the reward of ffy years of worship and erases from
him and his parents the punishment of ffy years of wrongdoings: ΀ şŰĉ΀ ĕřô
Ѽ ţŞ΀ ĉ΂ ĕřô Ѽ ג ΀ ΀ şĚ΂ ÷΀ Bismillāhir Raĥmānir Raĥeem In Te Name Of
Allah, Te Beneficent, Te Merciful גͿ Ѽ ٣Ѽ ΀ îŧ; Ά ř΀ î٣ ; ś΀ť΂ ô; ŭΆ Ś;ı;
ŜͿ٤; Ěř Ѽ ô; Assalamu `ala ahli laa ilaha illallah Peace be upon the group
of “Tere is no god save Allah” גͿ Ѽ ٣Ѽ ΀ îŧ; Ά ř΀ î٣ ; ś΀ť΂ ô; ţ΂ ŝ΀ min
ahli laa ilaha illallah from the group of “Tere is no god save Allah.” גͿ Ѽ
٣Ѽ ΀ îŧ; Ά ř΀ î٣ ; ś; ť΂ ôõ ; ů; ya ahla laa ilaha illallah O group of
“Tere is no god save Allah,” גͿ Ѽ ٣Ѽ ΀ îŧ;ř; ΀ î٣ ; œѾĊ; ÷΀ bihaqqi laa
ilaha illallah in the name of “Tere is no god save Allah,” גͿ Ѽ ٣Ѽ ΀ îŧ; Ά
ř΀ î٣ ; Ř; ũ΂ ő; ş΂ýͿđ΂ą; Ũ; ŏ; Ű΂ŕ; kayfa wajadtum qawla laa ilaha
illallah how have you found the testimony of “Tere is no god save Allah” גͿ
Ѽ ٣Ѽ ΀ îŧ; Ά ř΀ î٣ ; ţ΂ ŝ΀ min laa ilaha illallah from “Tere is no god save
Allah?” גͿ Ѽ ٣Ѽ ΀ îŧ; Ά ř΀ î٣õ ; ů; ya laa ilaha illallah O the One “Tere
is no god save Allah” גͿ Ѽ ٣Ѽ ΀ îŧ; Ά ř΀ î٣ ; œѾĊ; ÷΀ bihaqqi laa ilaha
illallah I beseech You in the name of “Tere is no god save Allah” גͿ Ѽ ٣Ѽ ΀
îŧ; Ά ř΀ î٣ ; Řõ; ő; ţ΂ Ş; ř΀ ĕ΂Ŏ΀ĵź΂ ighfr liman qaala laa ilaha illallah
forgive the one who professed that “Tere is no god save Allah” גͿ Ѽ ٣Ѽ ΀
îŧ; Ά ř΀ î٣ ; Řõ; ő; ţ΂ ŝ; ú΀ĕ; ŝ΂ĖűͿ ōõ ΀ š;ĕ΂ĞͿ ĉź ΂ Ũ; wahshurna f
zumrati man qaala laa ilaha illallah and include us in the group of those
who professed that “Tere is no god save Allah. ΀גѼ űѽř΀Ũ; űѺŚ΀ı; ΀גѼ ŘũͿ ęͿ
Ĕ; đͼŞѼĊ; ŝͿ muhammadun rasulullah, `aliyyun waliyyullah Muhammad is the
Messenger of Allah, `Ali is the authority from Allah. Dua When Visiting
Graveyard Abdulluh ibn Sinan has reported that he asked Imam al- Sadiq
(a.s) to teach him how to salute the inhabitants in graves. Te Imam (a.s)
replied that he might say the following words: ΀ şŰĉ΀ ĕřô Ѽ ţŞ΀ ĉ΂ ĕřô Ѽ ג
΀ ΀ şĚ΂ ÷΀ Bismillāhir Raĥmānir Raĥeem In Te Name Of Allah, Te Beneficent,
Te Merciful ; Ş΀Ś΀Ě΂ ŞͿ ΂ řźŨ; ; Ţ΀ŝ΀í΂ ŞͿ ΂ řźţ; ŝ΀ Ĕõ΀ ů;đřź Ѿ ś΀ť΂ ô; ŭΆ
Ś;ı; ŜͿ٤; Ěř Ѽ ô; Assalamu `ala ahliddiyari min almu’minin walmuslimin
Peace be upon the inhabitants of these graves, the faithful believers and
Muslims. Ĩͼĕ;ōõ ; Ţ;ř; ş΂þͿš΂ô; antum lana faratun You have preceded us,
Šũ; ŒͿĉ΀ ٣ ; ş΂ŖͿ÷΀ גͿ Ѽ çõ; ĝ ; Š΂ ΀ îţͿĊ΂ š; Ũ; wa nahnu inshaAllahu
bikum lahiqun and we, Allah willing, shall join you. Imam al-Husayn (a.s),
is reported to have said that whoever enters a graveyard and says the
following words, Almighty Allah (s.w.t) will record for him rewards that
are as many as the creatures from the time of (Prophet) Adam up to the
coming of the Hour (of Resurrection): ΀ şŰĉ΀ ĕřô Ѽ ţŞ΀ ĉ΂ ĕřô Ѽ ג ΀ ΀ şĚ΂
÷΀ Bismillāhir Raĥmānir Raĥeem In Te Name Of Allah, Te Beneficent, Te
Merciful û΀Ű;šõ΀ Ŏ; ΂ řźĈô΀ Ũ; Ĕ٣ź ΂ Ť΀ē΀ťΆ öѼĔ; şѼŦͿ ŚřѼ ô; allahumma
rabba hadhihil arwahil faniya O Allah, Lord of these extinct souls, û΀Ű;řõ΀
ø; ΂ řźĐõ΀ Ě; ą٣ź ΂ Ũ; wal-ajsadil baliya rotten bodies, ú΀ĕ;Ď΀ Ţřź Ѽ ΀
ŜõĮ; IJ΀ ΂ řźŨ; wal `idhamil nakhira and crumbled bones ûͼŢ; ŝ΀í΂ ŝͿ ŗ; ÷΀
ű; ť΀ Ũõ ; Ű;š΂đřź ѽ ţ; ŝ΀ ÿ΂ ą; ĕ;čű; þ΀řźѼ allati kharajat minaddunya wa
hiya bika mu’minatun that lef this worldly life bearing faith in You, űŢѾŝ΀
ͻ õŝ٤; ę; Ũ; ŗ; Ţ΂ ŝ΀ ͻ õĉŨ΂Ĕ; ş΂ Ŧ΀Ű΂Ś;ı; ś΂ č΀ Đ΂ ô; adkhil `alayhim
rawhan minka wasalaman minni (please) insert into them rest from You and
salutation from me.

> 2- Is there a Book i can purchace with short Duas? for Meals/for awakening
> and sleeping/Travelling
​A2. Yes there are many books which you can find in Shia websites like​

> 3- Which Surah do Qaris recite at a Khatm e Quran ?
​A3. Any Surah can be recited.​

Question ID 2637 Monday 29th of June 2015


Assalam Alaikum W.R.W.B. Mera sawaal ye hai ki:--- agar aik ladki ka aqeeqa uske waaldain nahin karte hain, aur shaadi ke 35 saal baad uska shauhar uska aqeeqa karta hai to Aqeeqa ka gosht kaun log nahin kha sakte? Wassalam


It is Makrouh (disliked) for the parents only to eat from the Aqeeqa of
their son or daughter .
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 2624 Saturday 27th of June 2015


If there is names of the sura of the holy quran but not the sura itself is it wajib to dispose the names of sura islamically?


If the name of the Sura is part of the Sura, then it should dealt with like
any word in the Sura.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 2607 Sunday 21st of June 2015


Salam un alike Can you please explain the rulings of Banking in the West ? what should one do to avoid falling into sin having a Bank account ?


Having a Bank account in any non Muslim Bank is allowed even if you know
that the Bank will add on your money or charge you for any service
including taking money from the Bank.
Mohammad Al-Misawi

Question ID 2603 Sunday 21st of June 2015


Salamun alaikum. Can a woman get body massage done by another woman?


Yes it is allowed especially for medical reasons but it should be away from
seeing or touching private parts or any part of her body which may cause
bad thought.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

WABIL - World Ahlulbayt(as) Islamic League, London.