Category: Miscellaneous
Total : 512 Results
Question ID 2292 Wednesday 11th of February 2015
Salaamunalikum..recently I have learned Istibra.. But I have doubt whether its right or wrong and after some time liquid drop is it najis or paak.. I follow ayoutullah sistani. Thank you
After proper Istibraa, any drop falls is Paak, but with out Istibraa or
proper Istibraa, any doubtful drop after urinating is Najis.
Mohammad Al-Musawi
Question ID 2288 Sunday 8th of February 2015
In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful. Salamun Alaikum I’m Mohammad Nazeer Hossain, From. Bangladesh, I need some Answers of Question, Please Cooperate me. Jazak Allah Khair Q-1. Imam Ali (A) Said in the Battle Field that I’m the ELIA of Towrat and Injil, you’ll kindly give me Sunni Ref: from 20 Authentic Books. Q-2. I need Nade Ali Dua, Sunni Ref : from 20 Authentic Books. Q-3. You were suppose to give me Software and you probably gave it to Mowlana Haseem Abbas and what’s the name of that Software? If you have this certain kind of Software in English, Pl’s you must send me. Q-4. The Holy Prophet’s (s.a.w) Father and Mother/ Hazrat Abdullah & Hazrat Amina (A) when they got married, who Recited khutba and how it happened and also Hazrat Abu Talib and Hazrat Fatima binte asad (A) Marriage Khutba. You’ll kindly give me Sunni/Shia Ref from 20 Books. Q-5. The Khutba which Hazrat Abu Talib (A) Recited for the Marriage of Holy Prophet (s.a.w) and Khadija (r) I need Khutba in Arabic as well as English Translation and also I need Sunni Ref : from 50 Authentic Books. Q-6. The Khutba which Holy Prophet (s.a.w) Recited for the Marriage of Imam Ali and Fatima (A) I need Khutba in Arabic as well as English Translation and also I need Sunni Ref : from 50 Authentic Books. Q-7. The Prayer that performed in the Ghadir-e-Khum field and it was called in AZAN & AKAMAT (Aliun Waliullah Wasi-e-RasulAllah) Is it Correct? I need Sunni/Wahabi/Shia Ref : from 50 Authentic Books. Q-8. Basically, In Friday prayer we read QUNOOT Twice, why and what’s the reason? Pl’s explain And I need Shia/Sunni Ref : from 20 Authentic Books. Q-9. Our 12 Imam’s did they Recite Aliun Waliullah Wasi Rasulallah, in AZAN and AKAMAT and what would they read in Tashahud? I need Shia Ref : from 20 Authentic Books. Q-10. Basically, In EID-UL-AZHA & EID-UL-FITAR prayer we read QUNOOT 4+5=9 Time, why and what’s the reason? Pl’s explain And I need Shia Ref : from 10 Authentic Books. Q-11. The Hazrat Adam & Hawa (A) When they got Married who Recited Khutba/Den Mohor and how it happened? Kindly give me detail Ref : from Sunni/Shia 30 Authentic Books. Q-12. If Aliun Waliullah not recited in AZAN and AKAMAT, Will our Prayer be Acceptable? Wassalam Mohammad Nazeer Hossain Cell : +88 01675-75 99 17 E-mail :
Salam wr wb
We receive thousands of questions and we have no time for the details which
you requested.
Regarding the name of Hazrat Ali (as) in Turah and Injeel, this is an
article from in Arabic if you can read Arabic.
أن إيليا هو أسم الامام علي (عليه السلام) بالعبرانية, وفي مناظرة الراهب مع
علي (عليه السلام) بحضور أبي بكر عندما سأل الراهب علياً (عليه السلام): يا
فتى ما أسمك؟ قال: اسمي عند الهيود (إلييا)، وعند النصارى (إيليا)، وعند والدي
(علي)، وعند أمي (حيدرة).. الحديث (الأحتجاج ـ للشيخ الطبرسي ج1/208).
وفي حديث عن الأصبغ بن نباتة قال: قال لي معاوية: يا معشر الشيعة تزعمون أن
علياً دابة الأرض؟ قلت: نحن نقول واليهود يقولون.
قال: فأرسل إلى رأس الجالوت، فقال: ويحك تجدون دابة الأرض عندكم مكتوبة؟ فقال:
نعم، فقال: وما هي أتدري ما أسمها؟ قال: نعم، اسمها: إيليا.
قال (الأصبغ): فالتفت إليّ (معاوية) فقال: ويحك يا أصبغ ما أقرب إيليا من
علياً. (بحار الأنوار ج29/244).
وعن مقاتل عن عطاء في ـ تفسير ـ قوله تعالى: ((وَلَقَد آتَينَا موسَى
الكتَابَ)) (البقرة:87), كان في التوراة: يا موسى إني أخترتك واخترت لك وزيراً
هو أخوك هارون لأبيك وأمك، كما أخترت لمحمد إيليا، هو أخوه ووزيره ووصيه
والخليفة من بعده، طوبى لهما من أخوين وطوبى لهما من أخوين، إيليا أبو السبطين
الحسن والحسين، ومحسن الثالث من ولده، كما جعلت لأخيك هارون شبراً وشبيراً
ومبشراً . (غاية المرام ج1/238).
ولقد عثرت لجنة التنقيب عن الآثار السوفيتية في منطقة وادي قاف على قطع من
خشبية قيل أنها تعود لسفينة نوح (عليه السلام) ويوجد على قطعة منها كتابة
باللغة السامانية، وهي كلمات قام بترجمتها العالم البريطاني إيف ماكس (استاذ
الألسن القديمة في جامعة مانجستر) إلى الإنجليزية، وإليك ترجمتها بالعربية:
((يا إلهي ويا معيني برحمتك وكرمك ساعدني، ولأجل هذه النفوس المقدسة: محمد
وإيليا شبر شبير فاطمة. الذين هم جميعهم عظماء ومكرمون، العالم القائم لأجلهم،
ساعدني لأجل اسمائهم)).
ولا يخفى أن هذه اللوحة موجودة في متحف الآثار القديمة في موسكو، وأن إيليا
وشبر وشبير يعني بالعربية علي والحسن والحسين.
Your other questions can be replied also if you email every topic
Mohammad Al-Musawi
Question ID 2285 Thursday 5th of February 2015
Salam un alike Could you please recommend a website where I can purchase farsi books ? thankyou
Question ID 2282 Thursday 5th of February 2015
Question: can we assure that we have done istibra...I follow ayoutullah sistni.. Thank you
Doing Istibra is very clear according to Tawzeehul Masael. When you do it
means it is done.
Mohammad Al-Musawi
Question ID 2276 Monday 2nd of February 2015
Salam Dear Agha Sb, I have three months baby daughter. The matter with her she cries with her full volume every night without any reason , We recite full QUL Ayatulquersi on her every day before magrib but still she cries. 2. She is feeds on both formula milk and breast feeds. But most of times she does not accept breast feed. she is very resistant and before feed she cries alot. Her daily consumption should be more then 800 ml but she does not drink. 3. Her sleep is very disturb . she does not sleeps at night and remains awake whole night and she sleeps rarely upto six hours. I live in china and i have discussed it with the doctor and she says do not worry . it is normal. Can you please guide me in this regard. Thanks Regards Hassan
This is a usual case among thousands of children. You should not worry at
all. The mother may be with Wudhu when she breast feed the child and keep
on reciting Sura Alhamd as much as she can. It is also very useful to
Mohammad Al-Musawi