Category: Food & Drinks

Total : 107 Results

Question ID 3101 Sunday 31st of January 2016


Is eating too much cheese harmful to health?


Yes it is harmful. Eating cheese with walnuts is good for health, but
eating too much from every food is harmful.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 3031 Sunday 27th of December 2015


Salam alaikum Sayed Moosawi Is Ethanol found as an ingredient in Pizza base which will than be backed harm? Jazakallah


Intoxicant alcohol is Haraam to consume even if it is part of ingredient of
food or drink.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 3016 Sunday 20th of December 2015


Salaam alaikum. I have read about the stuning of meat question. Can you please confirm which maraja ´s point of vieuw it is. If in low voltabe stuning not to kill is done, the meat is halal. I need to know according to whose ruling it is hallal. Thanks a lot for your help. Does Ayatulla Sistani allows this way of slaughtering ? Hussein


All the Maraje' say that if the stunning does not kill the animal, and the
animal is alive before slaughtering, the animal is Halal.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 2893 Saturday 24th of October 2015


السلام عليكم ارجوا ابداء الرأي حول مشروعية استخدام خل النبيذ الاحمر او الابيض في الاكل .. فعلى سبيل المثال البارحة اشتريت علبة مايونيز وكان احد المكونات هو خل النبيذ الابيض فهل استطيع اكله او لا ولكم الف شكر مصطفى


وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
كل أنواع الخل يجوز تناولها .
والسلام عليكم

Question ID 2827 Sunday 20th of September 2015


Salaam Alaikum Sayed Can we eat food cooked by petson of Ahmadi religion?


Those who claim a prophet after the Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) are non Muslims.

WABIL - World Ahlulbayt(as) Islamic League, London.