Category: Zakat and Khums
Total : 153 Results
Question ID 2098 Friday 21st of November 2014
Salaam alaykum maulana I hv question on khums My parents in kenya had helper who was a cook This gentleman is Muslim and he is 90+ years old He helped our family for lot of years may be 25+years Because of his old age he has difficulty in surviving he has wife and daughter He has a broken sort of house with NO WIndows or proper bathroom or sanitary system or lights in this broken sort of house Is it possible to get permission to use khums money for this gentleman He needs about £2000 pounds My sister n myself like to use khums money for this gentleman Would highly appreciate if u can guide us Salaams and lots of Duas Zehra kassam
It depends on the amount of Khums which is obligatory on you. You may write
Question ID 2090 Thursday 20th of November 2014
Dear Sir ASAK, 1) I bought one house and now getting rent on monthly basis, with this rent I am paying partial installment for second house to bank from whom I took loan to buy second house. My question is how much khums applicable on 1st house and second house bank loan will be cleared after 14 years of bank installments. Kindly advise when khums will be apply on second house. Thanks & regards
If you are not residing in the first house, you must pay Khums on what ever
you own from that house. If you reside in that house, then there is no
Khums on residence.
Second house is same if you do not reside in it. You need to pay Khums on
the value of what you own from that house once every year. Paying Khums on
any amount makes the remaining pure and free from Khums for all years to
come unless the value goes up, then Khums will be obligatory on the excess
in the value only.
Mohammad al-Musawi
Question ID 2077 Sunday 16th of November 2014
Janab Aga Saaab Assalam O Alaikum I am following Sistani Saab. What are the criterias to identify to give Sahme Saadaat to a Syed. For Eg: If i can see a earning person with family. At time he requires certain amount/items which he cannot afford...Can he be considered to be eligible for Sahm e Saadat? was Salam Sayed Husain Mahdi
Sahm e Sadaat is the right of needy Sayyeds. Needy is the person who's
income is less than his requirements for living expenses. Living expenses
depends on the situation which can include medication or housing or
marriage etc.
Mohammad al-Musawi
Question ID 2065 Tuesday 11th of November 2014
Salam maulana Khums kaun kaun se cheez pe nikalna chahiye?
Khums is obligatory on every thing we own (cash or kind) once a year after
we have spent our expenses. Residence is excluded from Khums being part of
your expenses.
Mohammad al-Musawi
Question ID 2047 Friday 7th of November 2014
Janab Aga Saab Assalam O Alaikum I am following Aga Sistani saab. My question is can i buy items from Sahm e Saadaat and give to Syed instead of giving cash Was Salam Sayed Husain Mahfi
Yes if the items are required by the poor Sayyed.
Mohammad al-Musawi