Category: Salat
Total : 298 Results
Question ID 4483 Wednesday 14th of November 2018
erson that was just mentioned. Assalammualaikum Sayedna, Thanks a lot for your response to all my question. You guided me a lot. I have a few question. 1)I we are late for any congregational prayer, can we join the prayer if the imam is in last tasahhud. If cannot, 2) can we join pray as a maamom behind anybody who still praying?
Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
Q1)I we are late for any congregational prayer, can we join the prayer if
> the imam is in last tasahhud. If cannot,
*A1)* *Yes we can join the Jama=E2=80=99ah prayer during last Tashahhud but=
will onl*y *get us the reward of Jama=E2=80=99ah and will not be counted as=
> Q2) can we join pray as a maamom behind anybody who still praying?
> *A2) The Imam of Jama=E2=80=99ah must be* *identified from the beginning =
of the
> Salaah and he must be fulfilling all the conditions of Imam Jama=E2=80=99=
Mohammad Al-Musawi
Question ID 4482 Wednesday 14th of November 2018
Assalammualaikum Sayedna, If we are late for zohor, Can we pray with imam praying Asar example but our niyat is praying zohor. Thanks
Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
Yes we can.
Question ID 4481 Wednesday 14th of November 2018
Assalammualaikum Sayedna, We are recommended to pray tahiyatul masjid prayer when entering masjid right. Do it apply to any small gathering place for prayer like a madrasah or surau as well where people pray for others prayer except jumaat prayer? Because i heard people said no need for that solat tahiyatul masjid because it is not masjid
Tahiyyatul Masjid is two Rak=E2=80=99ats which are recommended when we ente=
r any
Masjid. If the place is not a masjid, then it is not included.
Mohammad Al-Musawi
Question ID 4480 Tuesday 13th of November 2018
Assalammualaikum Sayedna, If during prayer imam recite the verse for wajib sajadah then imam go to sujud and then stand back continue with the surah remaining verse before go to rukuk for 1st rakaat. Question are 1)should i follow the imam and 2)what to do, stand still wait for them?
Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
If you listen to any of the verses of obligatory Sujood, you must perform
Sujood immediately.
Your Salaah needs to be re started because the Sujood added invalidated the
Mohammad Al-Musawi
Question ID 4478 Tuesday 13th of November 2018
Assalammualaikum Sayedna, If i see a lightning, should i perform salat ayat immediately or can do it later. If i see it more than one time should i pray accordingly to times i see it?
Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
Just lightning is not a full reason for Salatul Ayat unless it is very
frightening to common people. Though it is very rare, but if the lightning
is very frightening to most of the people, then just one time Salatul Ayat
is enough.
Mohammad Al-Musawi