Category: Salat
Total : 298 Results
Question ID 4474 Monday 12th of November 2018
Assalammualaikum Sayedna, Can we performed rawatib solat for subuh and zohor before azan? If can when it is allowed? Is it when the time for solat so close or anytime before pray
Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
Nawaafil time for every obligatory prayer is after the time of Salaah
starts and can be performed during the time of Salaah except if the
remaining time of Salaah is limited.
Question ID 4473 Monday 12th of November 2018
Say I have 30 days of qaza prayers can I pray 30 fajr prayers then 30 duhr asr prayers then 30 maghreb Isha prayers.
Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
Yes you can.
Question ID 4470 Friday 9th of November 2018
Assalammualaikum sayed,i have a few question. 1) when pray in jamaah, suddenly people tap our back to ask us move back due to he is alone at the second line. Should we move back as per ahlul bayt? 2) in jamaah is it not good to start pray alone in 2nd line onwards i mean nobody beside us? 3)when we late for jamaah, imam finish pray.when want to pray we start praying behind someone who still praying as his maamom. Do we need to tap his back as to let him know we are following him or just raised the sound of takbir?
> Q1) when pray in jamaah, suddenly people tap our back to ask us move back
> due to he is alone at the second line. Should we move back as per ahlul
> bayt?
A1) No need to move back just for such reason.
> Q2) in jamaah is it not good to start pray alone in 2nd line onwards i
> mean nobody beside us?
A2) It is allowed, but it is better to fill the existing gaps in the
existing row.
> Q3)when we late for jamaah, imam finish pray.when want to pray we start
> praying behind someone who still praying as his maamom. Do we need to tap
> his back as to let him know we are following him or just raised the sound
> of takbir?
> A3) No need to inform the Imam of Jamaal that you are praying behind him.
> We can not switch from one Imam Jamaah to another during the same Salaah.
Imam Jamaah must fulfill all the required conditions to be be Imam Jamaah.
Mohammad Al-Musawi
Question ID 4437 Saturday 13th of October 2018
I want to ask that i had a wax on my arms due to which there was some sticky wax on my hand i washed that i removed by lotion i thought i have removed it all also i performed wazzu and then i offered namaz when i was doing sajda shukr i felt some sticky thing on my hand is my namaz and wazzu valid or i have to perform those namaz again
If the sticky item is on a part of Wuzu, it must be removed to make water
reach to the skin. If you are sure that a sticky item was preventing water
during Wuzu, then you must remove it properly then perform Wuzu.
Mohammad Al-Musawi
Question ID 4417 Friday 28th of September 2018
Salamun alaikum. I would be grateful if you answer these questions: Sajdagah accidentally fell from my hand and broke. I would like to know what are the implications of this? Can I do sajdah during namaz on cracked or broken sajdah? Can sajdah be done on marble? Salam.
> 1. Can I do sajdah during namaz on cracked or broken Sajdagah?
A1. Yes it allowed.
> 2. Can sajdah be done on marble?
A2. Yes it s allowed.
> Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
> Mohammad Al-Musawi