Category: Salat
Total : 298 Results
Question ID 5836 Monday 30th of January 2023
Salaamu Alaikum Ya Sayed, Insha’Allah you are in good health. I just would like to know the Islamic law in regards to my wife being on her menstruation as I know she can not pray due to her state, but would her prayers be Gadha (قضاء)? Please let me know when possible. Jazaak Allah El Kheir.
Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
No Qadha on the female for the prayers of her period of menstruation.
Question ID 5798 Sunday 4th of December 2022
Salamun Alaikum Sayedna, I am looking for a correct way how to pray recommended prayer during driving. I am not clear some scholar say during rukuk and sujud we just bend down our neck as a sign of rukuk and sujud. I am wondering while on road traffic, example,we need to bend down the neck during rukuk all the way until finish reciting subhanarabbiyal azeemiwabihamdih or after bend we can lift our neck while reciting the tasbih? Thanks
Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
Bending your head a little bit is enough for Rokoo=E2=80=99 in recommended =
performed while moving or traveling. More bending is enough for Sojood.
If you are driving and need to focus on the road ahead, you can recite in
Rokoo=E2=80=99 and Sojood very short Zikr like Subhanallah, then raise your=
Muhammad Al-Musawi
Question ID 5762 Tuesday 11th of October 2022
Salaam I hope you are well? I have the opportunity to look after and train a dog for a period of time which will then go on to be a guide dog helping blind people. I understand that when it comes to dogs it is their saliva that is najis but not their fur or if the dog is wet? However, if I keep the dog in one area of the house, but not where I pray is it permissible? I understand that if a dogs saliva comes in to contact with you it is not necessary to do Wuhu or ghusl but just to wash the area e.g. your hands. So if I wash and keep separate clothing for praying is this permissable? Also is it true that the Angels of Mercy do not enter a house where there is a dog? If so will I still be forgiven if I was to sin and did not know? Also, are your ghusl, wudu and prayers still accepted and valid if there is a dog in the house or not? The other option is that my family home is two doors away from my house, so I can always go and pray there in a completely different house? I can also sleep there too so will the Mercy be affected? I know there is also a Muslim family who have their dog outside, is this permissible? If it was my own dog I would look to get a kennel built but because it is not my dog I am unable to keep it outside as I am looking after it for the guide dogs company and will have to follow their rules? I would appreciate your advice? Wasalaam
Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
1. Everything in the dog is Najis, not just it's saliva but it's furr and
every part of it's body. If the furr or the body of the dog is dry when you
touch it, your and or body will not be Najis because there were no moisture
to transfer Najasah.
2. Keeping a dog inside your home is harmful because it will cause it's
Najasah to be at your home and it can cause difficulties in your worship as
Najasah invakidates Prayers.
3. Angles do not enter a house were dog is inside it.
4. Keeping the dog outside the house e.g. Your garden etc is the easy
Muhammad Al-Musawi
Question ID 5747 Saturday 3rd of September 2022
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته يا سيد I am working in a very large factory which I feel work with electro magnetic appliances which helps manufacturing. There are times when I go for Salah and my compass shows me South East in one direction and another day in a different direction even though I am in the same place. Would this issue effect my Salah towards the Qibla? As I enjoy praying in the start of the prayer times. سلام عليكم
You should be sure that you are facing the Qiblah while praying. You
should repeat checking the compass to be sure.
On Sat, 3nd my compass shows me South East in one direction and another day
in a different direction even though I am in the same place. Would this
issue effect my Salah towards the Qibla? As I enjoy praying in the start of
the prayer times.
> Wassalam
Question ID 5746 Friday 2nd of September 2022
In wajib namaz can a person recite qunut in any language? I follows ayatollah sistani
Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
It is allowed to recite Du=E2=80=99a during Wajib Namaz in any language.