Category: Salat
Total : 298 Results
Question ID 3943 Saturday 15th of July 2017
نما،روزہ،حج اور زکوٰۃ میں فقہ جعفری اور فقہ حنفی میں اختلافی مسائل کونسے ہیں ؟اگر ہوسکے تو کوئی کتابیں بتادیں؟آپ کی عین نوازش ہوگی۔
Wa Alaykum Assalam Wr Wb
*1) **=D8=A7=D9=84=D9=81=D9=82=D9=87 =D8=B9=D9=84=D9=89 =D8=A7=D9=84=D9=
=85=D8=B0=D8=A7=D9=87=D8=A8 =D8=A7=D9=84=D8=AE=D9=85=D8=B3=D8=A9 .*
*2) **=D9=83=D8=AA=D8=A7=D8=A8 =D8=A7=D9=84=D8=AE=D9=84=D8=A7=D9=81 =D9=
=84=D9=84=D8=B4=D9=8A=D8=AE =D8=A7=D9=84=D8=B7=D9=88=D8=B3=D9=8A.*
Fiqh depends on the sources from which it takes its evidence .
Fiqh Jafari is based on what AhlulBayt (AS) narrated from the Prophet
Mohammad (SAWA) , while Fiqh of Abu Hanifa who did not see the Prophet
(SAWA) as he was born 80 years after Hijra i. e. about 70 years after the
passing away of the prophet (SAWA).
Mohammad Musawi
Question ID 3937 Wednesday 12th of July 2017
How do we know if the imam of jama3ah is adil? We cant go and ask him if he hasnt committed any major sins? Should we just assume? If your praying with a shia jama3at he would have turban but what if your in sunni jama3at?
Wa Alaykum Assalam Wr Wb
Praying with Sunni Jama'at is recommended and it dose not need the
condition of Aadil Imam e Jama'at . You need to recite for you Sura Al =E2=
Hamd and another Sura , in the first and second Rak'at .
Shia Imam e Jama'at must be Aadil . You need to know him as Aadil (Pious)
, If you do not know him , you need to have an evidence from trusted person=
that he is Aadil , or you see trusted persons praying behind him , which
makes an evidence for you that he is Aadil .
Mohammad Musawi
Question ID 3936 Monday 10th of July 2017
Salam, Which two Surahs are to be recited together after Surah Hamd in salat i.e. If one recited the other become obligatory. Wsalam
1. Sura Al Inshiraah ( Alsharh) and Sura Al Dhuha
2. Sura Quraish and Sura Feel.
Question ID 3918 Sunday 18th of June 2017
Salaamunalikum.... When i offer wajib namaz i often forget how many times i have recited taseeb e arba durin namaz... In this condition what should i do... This doubt occurs during namaz not after namaz.... I follow ayoutullah sistani.. Tha k you
If the doubt repeatedly happening, you can ignore it.
If it is happening sometimes, then recite the Tasbeehaat Arbaa to be sure that you have fulfilled your duty.
Mohammad Al-Musawi
Question ID 3898 Sunday 11th of June 2017
As slamunalykum Sir, I want to know that I can pray namaz when my head is covered with something like cap or other material? If yes then give reason or not then also give reason. Takleed by marja A.Slstani Sb. Thanks shukrea. Wasalam
Covering the head during Namaz is not necessary. Wearing a turban is
recommended while praying.
Mohammed Al-Musawi