Category: Salat
Total : 298 Results
Question ID 3884 Wednesday 7th of June 2017
Who is considered daim musaifr? because every Ramadan we travel, so is this considered?C
The person whose work is in traveling and travels for work at least ten days per month, is called Daim Assafar (request traveler ). He must pray full and fast.
Question ID 3849 Thursday 18th of May 2017
Salam Are we allowed to combine niyya of qadha and mustahab, say fajr qadha and nawafil? If so aare there any references for this in any Shia books?
It is Not allowed to combine Niyya of Qadha and Nawaafil. Qadha needs its own Niyya and action while Nawaafil needs its own Niyya and action.
Mohammad Al-Musawi
Question ID 3842 Friday 12th of May 2017
If in jama3ah your wudu becomes invalid can you walk out of saff? If not you pray it after do you still get reward of jama3at?
Yes, if your Wudhu is broken, you can walk out from the row of the Jama3ah if out wish, but if you feel embraced to walk out, you can continue if you are not in the first row, then pray again after performing Wudhu.
Mohammad Al-Musawi
Question ID 3808 Wednesday 26th of April 2017
Assalam alaykum maulana sahab I wanted to is it WAJIB to wash your feet before wudhu?
It is not WAJIB to wash your feet before wudhu.
Question ID 3796 Saturday 15th of April 2017
Salam Aleikum agha Musawi, im 8 months pregnant and perform my salah while sitting on a chair as its diffcult for me to go down in sujood and stand up again. Can i perform my kadah namaaz while sitting on a chair? Jazakallah Wsalam
Yes you can if you can not stand or perform Sujood.
Mohammad Al-Musawi