Category: Salat

Total : 298 Results

Question ID 3432 Sunday 26th of June 2016


Salaam I would like to know if you can read Salatul Layl even if you have qadha namaz outstanding. Or is it permissible if you are actively trying to reduce the qadha Namaz. Or is it permissible to read qadha namaz as part of your Salatul layl. Ie Fajr then zohr then asr then witr or 5xfajr then 1 witr. If this is permissible. What would the niyyat be Jazakallah


It is permissible to perform Salatul Layl ( Night Prayer) even if you have
obligatory Qadha Namaz on you. Salatul Layl is the most recommended Prayer
in Islam.
Night Prayer does not componsate Qadha Namaz.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 3378 Friday 10th of June 2016


In congregation prayer my people turn their ring before placing their hands together for qunoot so that the stone like aqeeq firoz etc faces them while they are reciting qunoot and after qunoot and before going to ruku they turn their ring again does this turning of the ring in salat invalid prayers


Turning the ring does not invalidate the Prayers.


Question ID 3338 Tuesday 17th of May 2016


Salamun alaikum, If I am going to a place where namaz gets qasr and coming back to my home town the same day at maghrib time then do i need to recite zuhr-asr as qasr or full namaz? Was-Salaam


Where ever you perrom the Namaz, you must pray according to the place, i.e.
if you pray while traveling, you must pray Qasr, but if you pray after you
return home, then you must pray Full.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 6:55 AM, Asad Virani Reply-To:

> Mr/Mrs Asad Virani
> posted a new question on wabil website, the details are below...
> Category : Salat
> Question : Salamun alaikum,
> If I am going to a place where namaz gets qasr and coming back to my home
> town the same day at maghrib time then do i need to recite zuhr-asr as
> qasr or full namaz?
> Was-Salaam

Question ID 3318 Monday 9th of May 2016


Salam I understand if I go to a different city in the month of Ramazan in the afternoon my Fasting is valid, my question is do my Salat becomes Qasr if my Fasting is still Valid or do I Pray full in this situation ?


Your Salat during traveling must be Qasr.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 3304 Tuesday 3rd of May 2016


Salam alaikum, is it important to cover feet for a lady during salat ?


If she was praying away from the seen of any non Mahram, then covering her
feet during Praying is not obligatory. If any non Mahram can see her , then
she must cover her feet.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


WABIL - World Ahlulbayt(as) Islamic League, London.