Category: Salat
Total : 298 Results
Question ID 3064 Wednesday 13th of January 2016
Salam un alike if i visit a friend at the Hospital wich is out of my City every day for one week or more do i Pray qasr at the Hospital or full?
If the hospital is 22 Km away from the boarder of your city or town or
village, you must pray there as Qasr.
Mohammad Al-Musawi
Question ID 3046 Monday 4th of January 2016
If one consistently has a problem of passing gas just while doing salat, despite trying hard to keep it in, to the extent that it takes the mind off deep intention in salah, what should one do? Keep redoing wudhu, and praying again can take a lot of time. How can one be sure that his salat is void in this manner?
If passing gas is continuous without stop, then just one Wudhu is enough
for performing Salah, even if gas passes during Salah. If the gas passes
sometimes and stops another times, you must pray when gas stops even if the
interval is few minutes.
It is advisable to go to the toilet before performing Wudhu, then perform
Wudhu and pray immediately.
Mohammad Al-Musawi
Question ID 2987 Thursday 10th of December 2015
Salam un alike Do I pray Qasr if I travel 2 days a week which is the weekend to a different city for work? or do I pray full?
If you travel just two days per week, you remain a traveler and your Salah
must be Qasr, but if you travel three days per week for work, then your
Salah will be full.
Mohammad Al-Musawi
Question ID 2972 Friday 4th of December 2015
Salam un alike The Masjid I go to every weak is about 65 km far from where I live. Do I pray Qasr in Masjid behind the Imam or full ? Thakyou
If the Masjid is away from your city or town more than 44 Km, you Salah
should be Qasr in that Masjid.
Mohammad Al-Musawi
Question ID 2962 Wednesday 25th of November 2015
Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Rahim, Aslmalkm, Please inform the ruling for Salat in Holy city of Najaf & Karbala. Do we have to pray full or Qasr while in Haram or outside the Haram like Hotel and other areas Thanks iltemas e dua.
Traveler must pray Qasr in Najaf always. Same in Karbala except inside the
Haram of Imam Husain ( AS) where traveler has the option or praying full as
well as Qasr.
Mohammad Al-Musawi