Category: Salat

Total : 298 Results

Question ID 2955 Thursday 19th of November 2015


A shia praying in a sunni masjid for salat Jumuah. Please adivse step by step what needs to be done. You have to recite it out loud? Do we in the Jaafari Madhab a 2 rakat sunna prayer before the actually congregational prayer?


You can pray with Sunni brother Juma Prayer but you must pray Dhuhr Prayer
after or before the Juma Prayer. Two Rak'at is recommended when you enter
the Masjid. It is called Tahiyyatul Masjid.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 2954 Thursday 19th of November 2015


Can you add extra things in your prayer like ighfir li wa li walidayya warham huma kama rabbiyani sahgira, and extra supplications? Especially during sujood?


Yes it is permissible to add any Dua during any part of the Prayer.

Question ID 2952 Thursday 19th of November 2015


Salam If the Masjid i go to is 48km far from where i stay do i shorten my Prayer in the Masjid? Do i Pray by myself or behind the Alim? Thank you


If the Masjid is away 44 KM or more from the boarder of your city or town,
your Salah must be Qasr there.
You should pray with Imam if he is having the conditions of Imam jama'at,
and even if he is not, still pray with him but recite quitely for yourself.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 2951 Thursday 19th of November 2015


Asslamwalikum , my question is ... What is new fatwa about salam in namaz can we performe same as salam as ahlay sunna perform moving neck during salam


There is no new fatwa on Salam of Namaz. We follow Ahlul Bayt (AS) and not
Ahly Sunna.
It is not allowed to turn face during Namaz.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 2949 Thursday 19th of November 2015


Salam un alike 1)the Prayer time for Zuhr in Pickering Canada is 12:3 pm and my class ends at 2:40 pm it is difficult for me to leave the class at exact time of Prayer which is 12:3 pm. Should i Pray after class which is 12:40 or should i leave the class at exact time of Salat ? 2)the Prayer time for Maghrib is 5:5 pm but some Masjids pray Maghrib at 6:30/7 pm why is this? Are as muslims not suppose to Pray on time? 3)The Muslim website shows the Maghrib Prayer is at 5:5 pm but sometimes when i look at out side it is still not fully dark can i delay the Prayer untill out side is fully dark? 4)can i listen to Azan before Mustahab Prayers like Salatul layl?


=E2=80=8BSalamun Alaykum wr wb=E2=80=8B

1)the Prayer time for Zuhr in Pickering Canada is 12:3 pm and my class ends
at 2:40 pm it is difficult for me to leave the class at exact time of
Prayer which is 12:3 pm. Should i Pray after class which is 12:40 or should
i leave the class at exact time of Salat ?
=E2=80=8BA1) You can finish your class and pray as afar as the time of Sala=
t is
still there. If the class takes very long till the time of Salat is about
to finish, then you must leave the class and perform your obligatory

2)the Prayer time for Maghrib is 5:5 pm but some Masjids pray Maghrib at
6:30/7 pm why is this? Are as muslims not suppose to Pray on time?
=E2=80=8BA2) This a bad practice of some Muslims to deliberately delay=E2=
=80=8B the Salat.
This is against the very strong recommendation to par every Salat on the
beginning of its time.

3)The Muslim website shows the Maghrib Prayer is at 5:5 pm but sometimes
when i look at out side it is still not fully dark can i delay the Prayer
until out side is fully dark?
=E2=80=8BA3) You have to be sure that Maghrib has really started, then you =
Salatul Maghrib.=E2=80=8B

4)can i listen to Azan before Mustahab Prayers like Salatul layl?
=E2=80=8BA4) There no Azan and no Eqama for any Mustahab Prayer=E2=80=8B.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

WABIL - World Ahlulbayt(as) Islamic League, London.