Category: Salat
Total : 298 Results
Question ID 2666 Thursday 9th of July 2015
Salamunalaikum. Please let me know in what are the other pleases we can offer our compulsory prayers with out khasur except MAZJIDUL HARAM, ROZE IMAM HUSSAIN AND IN MAZJED E KUFA, during our trip. pilgrimage
Only these four places.
Question ID 2628 Saturday 27th of June 2015
Is it wajib or mustahab to recite Surah al-Hamd and the other Surah loudly in the Friday Zuhr prayer if it is offered furada OR is Zuhr to be always recited silently ?
It is recommended (Mustahab) not obligatory.
Question ID 2602 Saturday 20th of June 2015
Assalamoalaikum. Traveling to a country for more than ten days and staying in different places (states) of that country for less than ten days in each place is qasr namaz said or regular namaz?
Qasr Namaz , because you need to stay at one place for ten days to pray
full Namaz.
Mohammad Al-Musawi
Question ID 2597 Friday 19th of June 2015
AsSalaamAlaikum. I always heard ghusl Haiz should be taken on the alternate days only. Like minimum 3rd then 5th, 7th, 9th then 11th day. I want to know if it is right and we can take ghusl on the 6th or 8th day too if bleeding stops?? Thank you.
What you have heard is not correct. Ghusl of Haiz mustbbebtaken any time
after three days when ever Haiz ends whether forth or fifth or sixth or
any other day .
Question ID 2577 Sunday 14th of June 2015
Is Sajdah allowed on a sajdagah (mohr) with names of panjetan, or any other thing, written on it?
Yes it is allowed in Namaz, and if you want to do Sajda out of Namaz, you
must have Wudhu to do Sajda on Sajdagah with holy names written on it.
Mohammad Al-Musawi