Category: Salat
Total : 298 Results
Question ID 2502 Sunday 10th of May 2015
I live in a city different than my parents. I have bought this house out of my own resources with no help from my parents. When my parents visit my house for less than ten days, will they pray qasr or full namaz. I am muqallid of Aqa Sistani.
Your parents come to visit you and your family as visitors and not as
residents at your city, that is why they are like any other visitor, and
their Salaah must be Qasr if they intend to stay less than ten days.
Mohammad Al-Musawi
Question ID 2479 Saturday 2nd of May 2015
Salam Alaikum, What is the niyyat of Juma prayers in jamat for a women, is it wajib or sunnat?
Question ID 2463 Monday 27th of April 2015
Salam un alike How can i find the exact time for Fajr Salat/Azan time ? as i want to Pray on time but it is difficut to find the accurate timing for Azan i live in Toronto Canada Thankyou
Trusted scholars ( Ulama) in your area can easily guide you.
No doubt praying in the beginning of the time is Dalah is great.Was salam
Mohammad Al-Musawi
Question ID 2453 Saturday 25th of April 2015
Salaamunalikum. 1) Can we pray namaz e jaffer e tayar at midnight after namaz e shab 2) can we pray namaz e shab afteraghrob and isha namaz.. Thank you
Q1) Can we pray namaz e jaffer e tayar at midnight after namaz e shab?
A1) Yes, Namaz e Jafar e Tayyar can be performed any time during day and
Q2) can we pray namaz e shab after isha namaz.?
A2. Yes it is allowed.
Mohammad Al-Musawi
Question ID 2449 Friday 24th of April 2015
Salam un alike Do I shorten Salatul layl as a Traveller like Wajib Namaz or do I perform it full? thankyou
Salatul Layl can always be performed in short form which three Rak'ats (
two for Shaf' and one for Witr). Even shortest is possible which is just
one Rak'at of Witr.
Mohammad Al-Musawi