Category: Salat
Total : 298 Results
Question ID 2361 Wednesday 11th of March 2015
Salaamunalikum.can we recite Subhanallah subhanallah subhanallah subhana aala wa behamde in sajdah in every namaz or is there any another recitation in namaz. Jazakallah. I follow ayoutullah sisatani
During Rokoo' , it is obligatory to recite Subhana Rabbiyal Adheem Wa
Bihamdih , once, or three times of Subhanallah.
During Sojood, it is obligatory to recite Subhana rabbiyal A'la Wa
Bihamdih, once, or three time of Subhanallah.
It is recommended to repat.
Mohammad al-Musawi
Question ID 2358 Tuesday 10th of March 2015
Salaamunalikum. Is there any Quranic verse that proofs that while praying namaz hands should not be fold. Thank you. jazakallah
The order in Quran ( Al-Ma'idah : Verse 6) says : O believers, when you
stand for Prayers ......
It states standing only with out folding hands which is another act or an
added act to standing. Quran just says satnd, while some people fold their
hands with out any evidence. They have no evidence in Quran to fold hands
while praying.
Beside Quran, we have authentic Sunnah evidences that the Proohet (SAWA)
never folded his hands in Prayers. Those claim that are following an order
from Omar Bin al-Khattab and not following thebProphetic Salah.
Imam Ali (AS) who knew everything about thebProphet of Islam more than any
one else, was openly forbidding Muslims from folding hands during Prayers
and was telling them: =D8=A3=D8=B3=D8=A8=D9=84=D9=88=D8=A7 =D9=88=D9=84=D8=
=A7 =D8=AA=D8=AA=D8=B4=D8=A8=D9=87=D9=88=D8=A7 =D8=A8=D8=A7=D9=84=D9=85=D8=
( Keep your hands open in Prayers and do not be like theZaorastrians).
Mohammad Al-Musawi
Question ID 2338 Wednesday 4th of March 2015
Salaamunalikum. Is it wajib to recite surah Al-Qadr after surah Al-Hamd in first rakat of wajib namaz or can we recite any other surah. Thank you. I follow ayoutullah sistani
It is Not obligatory to recite Sura Al-Qadr after Sura Al-Hamd in
obligatory or recommended Prayer, although it is highly recommended.
Mohammad al-Musawi
Question ID 2327 Monday 23rd of February 2015
Salamun Alaikum .....I have been posted to city 100 kms from my home town for my Internship in Hospital. I have internship of six months but during that time every Saturday Sunday i return to my Hometown and go again there on Monday upto Friday .....How should i pray my Namaz in the city where my internship is there? Full or Qasr?
Question ID 2319 Saturday 21st of February 2015
Salamun Alaikum ......If a person intends to leave at place other than its Hometown for Six month when should he start offering full Namaz? from first day or after ten days?
If he arrives with the intention to remain for more than ten days, he must
pray full Prayer from the day he arrived with that intention.
Mohammad al-Musawi