Category: Salat
Total : 298 Results
Question ID 2035 Monday 3rd of November 2014
Salamun alykum Is it makrooh to salam to a person who is reciting his prayers Wassalam
=E2=80=8BYes, it is Makrouh to say Salam on a person during performing Nam=
Mohammad al-Musawi=E2=80=8B
Question ID 2034 Monday 3rd of November 2014
Salam alykum Is it makrooh to salam a person while he is performing his salat Thank Wassalam
Question ID 1959 Tuesday 30th of September 2014
Salamwalekum I am in the taqleed of Ayatullah SISTANI sahab .My questions are.. 1. can i pray namaz with my son who is 7 years old in same room without any distance ? 2.can a husband and wife pray namaz in a same room if not how much distance should be in two persons recomended either they are mahram or non mahram?
> 1. can i pray namaz with my son who is 7 years old in same room without
> any distance ?
> A1. Yes because he is still non Baaligh, although it is better for you to
> pray behind to teach him the Islamic rules.
> 2.can a husband and wife pray namaz in a same room if not how much
> distance should be in two persons recomended either they are mahram or non
> mahram?
> A2. You should be on the back that your place of Sojood is parallel to the
> place of his knees when prostrates as an obligatory precaution, or parallel
> to his standing place as a recommended precaution.
Mohammad al-Musawi
Question ID 1953 Monday 29th of September 2014
Nafilah of fajr should be performed before the starting of the time of fajr or after starting of fajr time and before fajr salat? Thanks, Hadi Baquiri, USA
Nafila of Fajr should be performed either after the Azan of Fajr or before
the time of Azan of Fajr. Nafila of Fajr is always performed before
performing the Fajr Prayer.
Mohammad al-Musawi
Question ID 1951 Monday 29th of September 2014
Salaamunalikum...while praying namaz sometimes I forget to do qunoot and tashahud. Do I have to pray namaz again or is there any thing to do and how to do it? I follow ayoutullah sistani... Jazakallah
Qonoot is not obligatory in Prayers and your Prayers are valid even if you
did not perform Qonoot, but Tashahhud is obligatory. Forgetting to recite
Tashahhud will not invalidate the Prayer, but it must be re done when ever
you remember that you have missed it.
Mohammad al-Musawi