Category: Fasting (Sawm)
Total : 193 Results
Question ID 3375 Thursday 9th of June 2016
Salam un alike Can we eat after the Fajr Azan in the Holy month of Ramazan or do we have to stop eating as soon as we hear the Azan ?
We Must stop eating and drinking immediately when Fajr starts or few
moments before it. Azan are usually raised few moments after Fajr so we can
not wait till Azan is raised. We must stop eating and drinking on Fajr time
otherwise if we eat or drink deliberately , our fast will be invalid and
Qadha and Kaffara will be obligatory.
Mohammad Al-Musawi
Question ID 3369 Sunday 5th of June 2016
عندي سؤال شرعي واتنمى الاجابة عليه متفضلين انا رجل عمري ٣٢ سنة وعندي صداع نصفي متزوج ولدي عائلة وعندما تاتيني نوبة الصداع لا اقوى على فعل اي شي في رمضان ... خاصة انا في بريطانيا حيث فترة الصيام تصل الى حوالي ٢٠ ساعة حتى احيانا لا اقوى على الصلاة من شدة الالم ولكن عندي علاج في حالة ان تأتيني النوبة وهو دواء يبلع مع الماء. سؤالي هل يجوز لي الافطار في شهر رمضان عندما اشعر ان صداع الشقيقة سوف يأتيني لان من مميزات هذا المرض ان المريض يشعر بفترة مبكرة بقدوم النوبة؟ وماهي الاحكام الشرعية الواجد اتباعها في حالة الافطار ( اي الوقت و الامتناع الخ). ادامكم الله وحفظكم.
وعلیکم السلام و رحمة الله و برکاته.
اذا كان الصيام يضرّ صحتك ولو بان يمنعك من تناول العلاج الضروري لصحتك ،
فلايجب الصيام عليك في تلك الحالة لكن يجب عليك القضاء فيما بعد.
والسلام عليكم
محمد الموسوي
Question ID 3340 Sunday 22nd of May 2016
if a person doesnt know a act which invalidate the fast and he performs the same will kaffara and qaza of the fast is applicable..? and if a person has kaffara and qaza of the fast .. but is not able to fulfil the kafara can he keep the qaza of the fast and do the kafara when he is able to provide food to 60 miskin..?? iltemase dua...waiting for reply
Q1. if a person doesnt know a act which invalidate the fast and he performs
the same will kaffara and qaza of the fast is applicable..?
> A1. His fast is valid .
> Q2. if a person has kaffara and qaza of the fast .. but is not able to
> fulfil the kafara can he keep the qaza of the fast and do the kafara when
> he is able to provide food to 60 miskin..??
> A2. Yes.
Question ID 3336 Tuesday 17th of May 2016
Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Rahim, As Salam Alaykum, Please inform if a person started travelling by flight after Fajar and reaches his destination before Zohar the place where he is working & staying permanently, is he allowed to fast on that day or not. Thanks Jazak Allah Khair iltemase dua
Yes he can fast if he reaches before Zohr, provided that he did not eat or
drink at all during that morning.
Mohammad Al-Musawi
Question ID 3287 Monday 25th of April 2016
salam allekum aga, My mother is ill and old due to that she is not able to fast for the last couple of years.can i or any of my sibling fast on the behalf of our mother.
No, it is not allowed to fast any obligatory fast on behalf a living
person. If she is unable to fast, she must feed one person for every day
that she is unable to fast. This is called Fidyah.
Mohammad Al-Musawi